This window is where your locations are listed.
This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)
You can open this window by going to Fusion Admin → Setup → Locations.
This list has all the locations connected to your feedlot. Every feedlot has at least one location. The intent is that each location is physically separate from each other. Each location will have its own pens, lots, pricing, feed mill, water meters, etc.
Field | Display Speed | Description |
Name | Normal | The name of the location as it will be seen in Fusion and on reports. |
Manager Name | Normal | This field can be used to specify who is responsible for a location if you have more than one location. |
Transition Date | Normal | This is the date that this location was "transitioned" or when you got past the setup for it and started using Fusion for the day to day operations at this location. |
Inventory Only | Normal | If this field is checked, this location is considered by Fusion as one only used for inventory purposes. Some functionality, such as feeding and chuteside jobs, will not be available for these types of locations, but you are also billed less for the head count in these locations compared to regular locations. |
Note | Normal | This field holds a note to describe the location. |
This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:
The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list: