Drug Events List Window

This window is where all the drug events (when an animal or groups received a drug) are listed.

This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)

  • New. Use this function to create a new drug event. However, drug events are usually created during chuteside jobs.
  • Edit. Use this function to make changes to the drug event.
  • Delete. Use this function to delete the drug event. If you delete a drug event, it will change the billing history for the lot the event is associated with.
  • Change Billing Category. Usually the billing category for each event will be based on the way a chuteside job was set up or by the default billing category assigned the drug itself. However, you can manually change the billing category by selecting the events to change and using this function to select a new category.
  • Advanced Find. For finding information within the list. See Advanced Find Window for more information.
  • Advanced Sort. For sorting the list. See Advanced Sort Window for more information.
  • Advanced Print. For printing information from the list. See Advanced Print Window for more information.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Chuteside → Events → List Drug Events.

List Description

When a chuteside job is finalized, a drug event will be created for each drug given to each animal during the job. These drug events are shown in this list. Also, it is possible to manually create a drug event to record drugs given to a group of animals.

Field Display Speed Description
Drug Normal The name of the drug given.
Location Normal The location the drug was given at.
Lot Normal The lot the drug was given to. If given during a chuteside job, this will be the lot the animal belonged to during the job.
Date Normal The date the drug was given.
Time Normal The time the drug was given.
User Normal The user who gave drug or entered the drug event.
Amount Normal The amount of the drug given.
Chuteside Batch ID Normal If the drug was given during a chuteside job, this will be the job batch number.
Units Normal The units of the drug given.
Cost Amount Slow The total dollars (Cost) for this drug event. This is calculated on the fly for the drug, date, and location.
Bill At Amount Very Slow The total dollars (Bill At) for this drug event. This is calculated on the fly for the drug, date, and location.
Billing Category Normal The billing category for this drug in this situation. Drugs can have default billing categories. Specific categories can be assigned during a chuteside job. And categories can be changed manually in this list. In some reports in Fusion, dollar values can be rolled up into the different billing categories.
Batch Number Normal The batch number representing a common batch made by the drug company.

Parent Lists

This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:

Child Lists

The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list:

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