Daily Commodity Inventory List Window

This window is lists the inventory levels for each day where there was a change for each commodity.

This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)

  • Lock Balance. Use this function to lock the day's beginning balance. This ensures that changes to inventory levels before this date will not ripple through to affect this day's balance. The balance should be locked on days where you have actually measured the inventory level and know it is correct. When you lock the balance, you will be given the opportunity to change the opening balance before locking it if you like, although we normally recommend using an inventory offset to record an adjustment.
  • Unlock Balance. Use this function to unlock the beginning balance. Inventory levels from previous days will then affect this day and subsequent days.
  • Inspect. This option opens a window with a list of everything that affected this items inventory level for the day. This is helpful when trying to track down discrepancies.
  • Advanced Find. For finding information within the list. See Advanced Find Window for more information.
  • Advanced Sort. For sorting the list. See Advanced Sort Window for more information.
  • Advanced Print. For printing information from the list. See Advanced Print Window for more information.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Core → Inventory → Daily Commodity Inventory.

List Description

Fusion will create a record in this list for every day that the inventory level of an commodity changed at a location. It can be used to see what the inventory levels were at the beginning of the day and the end of the day and can help you figure out what is causing the inventory to change.

Field Display Speed Description
Commodity Name Normal The name of the commodity whose inventory is changed.
Date Normal The date of the inventory change.
Location Normal The location of the inventory change. Fusion keeps track of inventory levels seperately at each location.
Begin Balance Normal This is the beginning balance of the item in the morning. It should always match the ending balance of the previous date unless today's balance has been locked at a different value.
New Normal This is the amount of item that entered the feedlot, increasing the inventory. This happens primarily with scale tickets.
Used Normal This is the amount of the item that was used during the day. This happens primarily with loads being mixed.
Offset In Normal This is the total of all inventory offsets that were manually created for today for this item to bring inventory levels up.
Offset Out Normal This is the total of all inventory offsets that were manually created for today for this item to bring inventory levels down.
End Balance Normal This is the ending balance for the day. It should be the same as the beginning balance for the next date unless the next date has locked in a different beginning balance.
Lock Balance Normal This will be "Yes" if the beginning balance has been locked for today. Normally when there is something that will affect inventory, Fusion recalculates everything from the change date to the current date so that the change will ripple through. However, if you measure inventory levels on a certain date, you can lock the value on that date and Fusion will not "ripple" changes past that date anymore.
Avg Unit Cost Normal This is the average cost for the item on this date. This is based mostly on what you have set up as the commodity pricing attributes for that date and location, but inventory offsets can be given specific pricing which will be taken into account in coming up with this average.
Avg Unit Market Value Normal This is the average market value price for the item on this date. This is based mostly on what you have set up as the commodity pricing attributes for that date and location, but inventory offsets can be given specific pricing which will be taken into account in coming up with this average.
Avg Unit Bill At Normal This is the average bill at pricing for the item on this date. This is based mostly on what you have set up as the commodity pricing attributes for that date and location, but inventory offsets can be given specific pricing which will be taken into account in coming up with this average.
Units Normal The units of measurement for the item.

Parent Lists

This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:

Child Lists

The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list:

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