This window is where all the scale tickets are listed.
This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)
You can open this window by going to Fusion Commodity → Scale Tickets → List Scale Tickets.
Scale tickets are a way of recording loads of commodities as they enter your feedlot. It is assumed that each load is fulfilling a contract. Fusion provides a way of reconcilling scale tickets to contracts. Normally the price for a scale ticket will be determined by the contract it is reconcilled to (including possible discounts and premiums), but this can be overriden for each scale ticket.
Field | Display Speed | Description |
Ticket Number | Normal | The ticket number can be recorded here. It must be unique. |
Date Delivered | Normal | The date the load was delivered. |
Location | Slow | The location the load was delivered to. A contract can have loads associated with it that were delivered to different locations. |
Commodity | Normal | The name of the commodity that was delivered. |
Contract Number | Normal | The contract number that the load is associated with. This will be blank until the scale ticket has been reconciled with a contract. |
Reconciled Status | Not Tested | This field is for searching only. It can be used to find all the scale tickets that have been or have not been reconciled. |
Seller | Slow | The name of the seller. This will need to match the name of the seller in the contract list before reconciliation is possible. |
Seller Phone Number | Normal | The seller's phone number. |
Bill of Lading | Normal | The bill of lading number can be recorded here. |
Directive Number | Slow | The directive number can be recorded here. |
Gross Weight (kg) | Normal | The quantity of the commodity that was delivered. |
Bushel Weight (lb/bushel) | Slow | The bushel weight of the load. This will help determine whether the price of this load will be discounted or not. |
Moisture Content | Normal | The moisture content of the load. This will help determine whether the price of this load will be discounted or not. |
Shrinkage Overriden | Normal | Shrinkage affects the price of the load and is usually determined at the contract level. However, you can override it for a scale ticket. In that case this field would be "Yes". |
Overriden Shrinkage | Normal | If you are overriding the shrinkage value for this scale ticket, this is the shrinkage percentage |
Actual Shrinkage | Very Slow | This is the actual shrinkage applied to this scale ticket. Fusion calculates this based on whether you have overriden the shrinkage for the scale ticket and what the associated contract shrinkage is. If the scale ticket has not been reconciled yet, and if the shrinkage has not been overriden, Fusion will use 1% as a default. |
Check Date | Normal | This is the date that a check was written to the seller to pay for the load. |
Check Number | Normal | This is the check number that was used to pay for the load. |
Check Portion Amount | Normal | The dollar amount paid for this load. If one check was used to pay for multiple loads to the same seller, this will be less than the full check amount. |
Invoice Number | Normal | The invoice number. |
Base Price Override (per t) | Normal | Normally Fusion will determine the base price of a load (before discounts) based on the pricing set up in the associated contract. You can override that base price by entering a price here. Note that discounts will still be applied based on the associated contract discount setup. |
Note | Normal | You can have a note associated with each scale ticket. |
Calculated Net Weight (kg) | Slow | This field is a calculation showing the net weight which is the gross weight with the shrinkage applied to it. |
Trucking Company | Very Slow | The name of the company that trucked the load in. |
Trucking Company Phone Number | Very Slow | The phone number of the trucking company. |
Contract Base Price (per t) | Very Slow | This field shows the base price of the associated contract. If the scale ticket hasn't been reconciled to a contract yet, this field will be $0.00. |
Discounted Price (per t) | Very Slow | This field is a calculation showing the actual price for the load after discounts and premiums have been applied. If the scale ticket has not been reconciled yet, this field will be $0.00. |
Extended Price | Very Slow | This field shows the actual price of the full load. It is the Discounted Price multiplied by the size of the load. |
This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:
The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list: