This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)
Scale house loads are considered to be an electronic version of a scale ticket, so they are not editable after they've been created. This window is useful for looking at the audit trails and for exporting this data for other systems.
You can open this window by going to Fusion Commodity → Scale House → List Scale House Loads.
This list is where all the scale house loads are recorded. Normally you use the other windows to work with scale house loads including converting them into scale tickets and cohorts, but this window is useful for looking at the loads historically or exporting them for other system.
Field | Display Speed | Description |
Scale Ticket Number | Normal | The scale ticket number assigned this load. |
Load Date | Normal | The date this load was first created (i.e. when the first weight was captured). |
Current Step | Normal | Loads start in a Pending state when the first weight is captured. Once the second weight is captured, they move into a Complete state where they stay until the office staff have converted them into scale tickets or cohorts. At that point they are considered Processed. |
Cargo Type | Normal | The cargo type can be Cattle or Commodity. |
Commodity (if applicable) | Normal | If the cargo type is Commodity, this will be the commodity that was on the truck. |
Load Direction | Normal | If this load was dropped off at your yard, the direction is considered Unloading. Otherwise it will be Loading. |
Location | Normal | The location where the load was dropped off or picked up. |
Weighed At Location | Normal | This is the location where the load was weighed in and out. Normally this will be the same as the location where it was dropped off or picked up, but Fusion allows you to weigh at one location and then drop off or pick up at another. |
Last User | Normal | The user who last touched this load (not including office staff who process it). |
First Weight Capture | Normal | The date and time of when the first weight was captured. If it was captured more than once, this will be the last time. (Note that this is the actual capture time, not when Save was clicked). |
Second Weight Capture | Normal | The date and time of when the second weight was captured. If it was captured more than once, this will be the last time. (Note that this is the actual capture time, not when Save was clicked). |
Gross Weight | Normal | The gross weight. Corresponds to the first weight when unloading and to the second weight when loading. Normally captured at the nearest integer, but it is possible to enter up to two decimal places. |
Tare Weight | Normal | The tare weight. Corresponds to the first weight when loading and to the second weight when unloading. Normally captured at the nearest integer, but it is possible to enter up to two decimal places. |
Net Weight | Normal | The net weight which is calculated as the gross weight minus the tare weight. |
Scale Units | Normal | The units the scale weights for this load were captured in, either "kg" or "lb". This will depend on how Fusion was initially set up and what the cargo type is. |
Truck Identification | Normal | This is the truck identification number, used to keep track of trucks between weighing in and out. It usually doesn't matter anymore once the load is complete. |
Seller or Purchaser | Normal | The seller or purchaser for this load. |
Trucking Company | Normal | The trucking company associated with this load. |
Directive Number | Normal | Use this field for internally tracking loads if you have another system in addition to the scale ticket number. |
Moisture Content | Normal | For commodity type loads, you can enter the moisture content here. |
Bushel Weight | Normal | For commodity type loads, you can enter the bushel weight here. |
Head Count | Normal | For cattle type loads, you can enter the head count here. |
Manifest Number | Normal | For cattle type loads, you can enter the manifest number here. |
Note | Normal | Any notes for this load can be added here, useful to provide information for the office staff in addition to the provided fields. |
Audit Trail | Normal | Fusion keeps a small audit trail for each load while it is in the Scale House which is stored in this field |
This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:
The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list: