This window is where a history of water meter attributes changes are listed.
This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)
You can open this window by going to Fusion Core → Attributes → List Water Meter Attributes.
This list shows the changes in water meter attributes (Bill At and Cost) over time. Each time Fusion runs a report with pricing information involved, it will use the information in this list to figure out what price applies for each item at each location on any particular day as it calculates the pricing information for tempered ingredients. These records should never be deleted unless an actual mistake is being corrected!
Field | Display Speed | Description |
Meter | Normal | The name of the water meter whose attribute is being changed. |
Location | Normal | The location the attribute affects. |
Change Date | Normal | The date this change is effective for. You can only change a item's attribute once per day (for a given location). |
Changed Attribute | Normal | This is the attribute that is being changed. Cost (your cost of the water), and Bill At (what you charge customers for the water). |
New Value | Normal | The value that takes affect on that date. |
Value Units | Normal | Shows the units of the water meter. |
This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following: