Users List Window

This window is where all users accounts for the system are listed.

This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)

  • New. Use this function to create a new user.
  • Edit. Use this function to make changes to the user attributes.
  • Delete. Use this function to delete the user. Note that you can only delete things in Fusion if they are not used anywhere else. This is so Fusion has a complete history.
  • Advanced Find. For finding information within the list. See Advanced Find Window for more information.
  • Advanced Sort. For sorting the list. See Advanced Sort Window for more information.
  • Advanced Print. For printing information from the list. See Advanced Print Window for more information.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Admin → Users → List Users.

List Description

A user is someone who has the ability to log in to Fusion to use it. You should create seperate users for each employee who will be using Fusion as well as for anyone else you want to be able to access Fusion. This might include a nutritionist or vet. It is important for everyone to have their own user account for two reasons. First, Fusion tracks who did what based on the user logged in at the time. Second, Fusion can be set up to restrict access to certain functionality based on group permissions for the group a user belongs to.

Field Display Speed Description
User Name Normal The name of the user. This will be used for logging into Fusion and will show up in lists for who did what.
Full Name Normal The full name of the user. Especially helpful when the username doesn't reflect their name well. Also used when Fusion sends emails to this user.
Contact Email Address Normal The user's email address. Can be used internally. Fusion uses it when emailing users.
Allow Fusion Emails Normal Fusion occasionally sends emails to users when allowed by this field. These emails cover new and existing features, helping everyone know how to get the most out of Fusion.
Contact Phone Normal The user's contact phone number.
Is Current Normal Will be "Yes" if the user is current. If the user is not current, they will not be able to log into Fusion anymore, but their history will still be available. (Users should not be deleted when they leave your feedlot.)
Permissions Group Normal Each user is assigned a group which is noted here. Groups are set up in Fusion to have certain permissions. So you can restrict what a user can see and do in Fusion based on the group you assign them to.
Receive System Messages Normal When something critical goes wrong with Fusion, it will send an internal message to all users where this field is a "Yes". At least one person who is involved in the day to day operation should be assigned to receive system messages so they can be dealt with in a timely manner.
Can Accept License Agreements Normal When a new version of Fusion is installed, Fusion Client cannot be used until the license agreement is accepted. Any user who has a "Yes" in this field is allowed to do this. If users without this designation want to use Fusion before someone has accepted the license agreement, they will have to wait.

Parent Lists

This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:

Child Lists

The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list:

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