User Edit Window

This window is used to add new users and edit information about current users.

Contact Section

Every user must be associated with a contact record for the user. This allows Fusion to know additional information about the user such as their email address which makes data entry faster in certain areas of Fusion.

  • Contact. Enter the contact name of the user. If the user's contact information has not yet been entered you will need to create a contact for them first. See the Data Entry Techniques to learn how to do this.

User Information Section

  • Username. The name the user will need to enter or choose to log in. Also, Fusion will use this username to show who was responsible for different events in Fusion. It is normally the first name of the person, but you can enter something else if you like. It must be unique among the user names in the system.
  • Password. Each user should have their own password for logging in. There are no special requirements for the password. In fact, it can be left blank. However, we don't recommend that. This allows you to create your own password policy.
  • Repeat Password. The password must be entered twice to make sure there wasn't a mistake during entry.
  • Permissions Group. Each user must belong to a group which controls the permissions they are given in Fusion. See the Group Permissions Window topic for more information.
  • Receive System Messages. When something critical goes wrong with Fusion, it will send an internal message to all users that have this field checked. At least one person who is involved in the day to day operation should be assigned to receive system messages so they can be dealt with in a timely manner.
  • Can Accept License Agreements. When a new version of Fusion is installed, Fusion Client cannot be used until the license agreement is accepted. Any user who has this field checked is allowed to do this. If users without this designation want to use Fusion before someone has accepted the license agreement, they will have to wait.
  • Debug Admin Access. The Debug Admin window exposes certain functionality that can be used during troubleshooting. It is normally only used under direction from someone on our support team. Use this field to the access level of a user to one of these choices:

    • No Access. The user will not be allowed to use the Debug Admin window.
    • Restricted Access. The user will be able to access some basic, non-harmful functionality in the window.
    • Full Access. The user will be able to access all the functionality of this window, some of which has the potential to be harmful to your data if used incorrectly.

    In most cases we recommend leaving a user's access to No Access. It can always be changed later if the need arises.

  • Text Message Address. When an urgent message is sent in Fusion to a user, if the proper information is in this field Fusion will also send a text message. This is useful for times when the user may not currently be using Fusion or they are in a truck that won't sync right away so they won't get the message until later. Many cellular companies will provide an email address which, when an email is sent to the address it is turned into a text message. If the user's cellular company does this, you can enter that address here. Use the button to open a window which can help you figure out the correct email address to use for common carriers.

Status Section

Users should not be deleted after they have done something in Fusion. For example, if an employee will no longer be working at your feedlot you do not want to delete their account because Fusion needs that to show what events the user was responsible for while they worked there. Of course, you also don't want them to be able to log in and use Fusion anymore. If this happens, you can mark the user account as not current in this section and they will no longer be able to log in and use Fusion.

  • Current (Allowed to login to system). Turn this option on to make a user account active and allow them to log in. Turn it off to do the opposite.
If an employee leaves and then returns to work at the feedlot later on, you only need to make them current again. You don't need to create a new user account.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Admin → Users → Add User or by editing a user from the Users List window.

Getting Here

You can open this window by creating or editing a user from the Users List window.

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