Drug Event Edit Window
An drug event is a record that shows that an drug was used. See Core Concepts for information on what an drug is. Drug events are usually automatically created during a chuteside job, but you can manually create one with this window. It can also be used to edit a drug event, even if the event was created automatically during a job.
- Location. Enter the location this drug event will be applied to.
- Lot. Enter the lot this drug event will be applied to. Note that if the event was created during a job, Fusion keeps track of the individual animal the drug event belongs to, but doesn't show that in this window. Only the lot the animal belongs to will show here.
- Drug. Choose the drug given to the lot.
- Amount. Enter the amount of the drug given. If the event is for a group of animals, this should be the total amount for the entire group.
- Date. Enter the date the drug was given. Keep in mind that Fusion will not include anything, including drugs, that fall outside the lot's first in date and last out date when billing.
- Billing Category. When you choose an drug, Fusion will populate this field with the default billing category (if there is one) for this drug. You can change it if you like.
- Batch Number. When you change the location or drug, Fusion will populate this field with the current batch number for this drug. If you have the correct permissions, you can manually change this for new and old drug events.
- Make This the Current Batch Number. This field is used if you are manually creating a new drug event and have changed the batch number from the current one. If the field is checked, Fusion will update the drug's current batch number for this location automatically when the event is saved.
Saving Changes
To save the event, click the Save button. If you change your mind, click the Cancel button.
Getting Here
You can open this window by going to , or by creating or editing a drug event from the Drug Event List window.
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