Commodity/Ingredient List Window

This window is where all of your commodities (also known as ingredients) are listed.

This window has the following menu buttons available. (See the List Windows topic to learn more about list windows in general.)

  • New. Use this function to create a new commodity.
  • Edit. Use this function to make changes to the commodity.
  • Delete. Use this function to delete the commodity. Note that you can only delete things in Fusion if they are not used anywhere else. This is so Fusion has a complete history.
  • Advanced Find. For finding information within the list. See Advanced Find Window for more information.
  • Advanced Sort. For sorting the list. See Advanced Sort Window for more information.
  • Advanced Print. For printing information from the list. See Advanced Print Window for more information.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Admin → Setup → Commodities and Ingredients.

List Description

With Fusion you define your own list of commodities and ingredients which are used in Fusion Commodity and in Fusion Feed. This is where they are listed. Note that commodities and ingredients are the same thing. We tend to use the term "commodity" with contracts and scale tickets and the term "ingredient" with rations, loads, and feed deliveries, but they are the same.

Field Display Speed Description
Name Normal This is the name of the commodity or ingredient.
Minimum Dry Matter Threshold Normal A minimum threshold can be set for an ingredient's dry matter percentage. If it is set, Fusion will not allow a dry matter percentage attribute to be saved if it is below this threshold.
Maximum Dry Matter Threshold Normal A maximum threshold can be set for an ingredient's dry matter percentage. If it is set, Fusion will not allow a dry matter percentage attribute to be saved if it is above this threshold.
Minimum Inclusion Threshold Normal A minimum threshold can be set for an ingredient's ration inclusion percentage. If it is set, Fusion will not allow the ingredient to be added to a ration at a lesser percentage than specified here. Note that this percentage is dry matter/as fed based agnostic.
Maximum Inclusion Threshold Normal A maximum threshold can be set for an ingredient's ration inclusion percentage. If it is set, Fusion will not allow the ingredient to be added to a ration at a higher percentage than specified here. Note that this percentage is dry matter/as fed based agnostic.
Default DM Normal In order to start feeding, Fusion needs to know the dry matter percent of each ingredient, so we provide a way to enter a default dry matter in this field. However, it should actually be recorded as an ingredient attribute and changed there once you start using Fusion. In other words, don't change this field after you start using Fusion.
Default NEM Normal In order to start feeding, Fusion needs to know the NEM of each ingredient, so we provide a way to enter a default value in this field. However, it should actually be recorded as an ingredient attribute and changed there once you start using Fusion. In other words, don't change this field after you start using Fusion.
Default NEG Normal In order to start feeding, Fusion needs to know the NEG of each ingredient, so we provide a way to enter a default value in this field. However, it should actually be recorded as an ingredient attribute and changed there once you start using Fusion. In other words, don't change this field after you start using Fusion.
Withdrawal Days Normal This field is the withdrawal for the ingredient in days. If this ingredient is fed, Fusion will figure out the withdrawal for animals that were in the pen when the feed was fed.
Is Water Normal If this ingredient is water, this field will be "Yes". There can only be one ingredient that Fusion knows is water which Fusion can then treat differently because it understands what it is.
Use Extra Precision Normal For most ingredients, Fusion tracks changes in inventory to the nearest pound or kilogram. This is usually sufficient. However, if an ingredient is used in very small quantities, such as a micro ingredient, you will need to have Fusion track it to the nearest gram. If this field is set to "Yes", Fusion will track it to the nearest gram.
Note Normal The note for the ingredient, if any.
Current DM Very Slow Shows the current dry matter percentage of this ingredient. Fusion calculates this value on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.
Current NEM Very Slow Shows the current NEM of this ingredient. Fusion calculates this value on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.
Current NEG Very Slow Shows the current NEG of this ingredient. Fusion calculates this value on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.
Current Protein Very Slow Shows the current protein of this ingredient. Fusion calculates this value on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.
Current Cost Very Slow Shows the current dollars (Cost) of this ingredient. Fusion calculates this value on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.
Current Bill At Very Slow Shows the current dollars (Bill At) of this ingredient. Fusion calculates this value on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.
Current Projection Price Very Slow Shows the current price that is used in creating projections with this ingredient. Fusion calculates this value on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.
Current Temper Meter Very Slow Shows the current water meter attached to this ingredient for tempering, if any. Fusion figures this out on the fly and does so for the location and date currently specified in the saved variables SSGi_AttributeLocation and SSGi_AttributeDate which you can change.

Parent Lists

This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:

Child Lists

The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list:

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