Scale House Load Processing Window

Scale house loads aren't anything more than an electronic scale ticket. Their usefulness comes by converting them into other items in Fusion. Depending on whether the cargo was cattle or a commodity and whether the truck was loading or unloading, Fusion can convert a scale house load into a scale ticket, inventory offset, in cohort, or an out cohort. This window is where the conversion process happens.

Here's the expected workflow in this window: select a scale house load in the list and then click the Convert Into... button. An appropriate window (Scale Ticket edit window, Commodity Offset window, In Cohort edit window, or Out Cohort edit window) will open just to the right (if it can fit on the screen) and Fusion will pre-fill in as much information as possible based on the information given in the scale house load. It also converts the net weight to the appropriate units, if necessary. If any information needs to be corrected, adjusted, or added, do that and then save the item. Once you are finished with the scale house load, check the Processed checkbox and move onto the next load.

If there is a mistake in the scale house load record, don't worry about trying to edit it there. Just make the correction as you create the converted item, just as you would do with a printed scale ticket. Also, you don't need to mark a scale house load as processed right away. Instead, it can be used to make multiple items if the situation requires it.

Normally the list will only include loads that have both weights captured, but haven't been processed yet. Use the Show filter at the bottom of the window to change what loads are shown. This is especially useful if you accidentally marked a load as processed. Change the filter to find the load and then mark it as unprocessed so you can use the Convert Into... button again.

It is expected that scale house loads are processed fairly regularly and not more than a month later. Cattle loads especially should be processed right away since the strong recommendation to create cohorts on the same day they occur still holds.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Commodity → Scale House → Process Scale House Loads.

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