Scale Ticket Edit Window
This window is used to record each load that delivers on a commodity contract. See Core Concepts for more information on commodities and scale tickets.
- Scale Ticket #. The ticket number can be recorded here. It must be unique.
- Date Delivered. Enter the date the load was delivered.
- Commodity. Enter the name of the commodity that was delivered.
- Location. Enter the location the load was delivered to. A contract can have loads associated with it that were delivered to different locations. The load will be added to the inventory levels for this location.
- Gross Weight. Enter the quantity of the commodity that was delivered.
- Moisture Content. Enter the moisture content of the load. This will help determine whether the price of this load will be discounted or not.
- Bushel Weight. Enter the bushel weight of the load. This will also help determine whether the price of this load will be discounted or not.
- Override Contract Shrinkage. Shrinkage affects the price of the load and is usually determined at the contract level. However, you can override it for a scale ticket by turning this option on and entering a shrinkage value directly.
- Seller. Enter the name of the seller. This will need to match the name of the seller in a contract before reconciliation is possible.
- Trucking Company. You can enter the name of the company that trucked the load in if you like.
- Directive #. The directive number can be recorded here.
- Bill of Lading. The bill of lading number can be recorded here.
- Note. Enter a note about the load here if you like.
You will normally use the Reconciliation window to associate a scale ticket with a contract, but if you know the contract when you enter the scale ticket, you can also click the Click here if you know the contract number for this load button. Note that you must have entered the above information first. After clicking this button you will see a list of open contracts where the commodity and seller match the scale ticket. The contract number and delivery window will be shown to help you choose the correct one. Either Double-Click a contract in the list, or select one and click the OK button to associate this scale ticket to that contract. The contract number will be shown in the Contract # field. If you chose the wrong contract, you can use this button again to choose the correct one.
Additional Fields
If you are editing an existing scale ticket, you can reveal some extra fields and functionality not used as often by clicking the disclosure triangle (
). These fields are normally filled automatically as you use other parts of Fusion Commodity such as writing checks and overriding pricing, but you can edit the information directly here when needed.
- Get Contract Number. Does the same as the Click here if you know the contract number for this load button described above.
- Clear Contract Number. Click this button to un-reconcile a scale ticket.
- Invoice Number. When you write checks using the Write Checks window, there is a place to enter the seller's invoice number for the scale tickets that are being payed for with the same check. That information will show up in this field and can be changed manually if necessary.
- Check Date. Again, when writing checks, Fusion keeps track of the date you wrote the check and stored it in this field. You can manually change it if necessary.
- Check Number. Likewise, a check number will be associated with each scale ticket paid with the same check and Fusion stores that here. You can manually change it if necessary.
- Check Portion Amount. Normally multiple scale tickets are payed for with one check. This amount is the dollar amount this particular scale ticket contributed to the total amount of the check. It can be changed if necessary.
- Base Price Override Value. When you print commodity invoices, there is an option to override a contract's base price for a scale ticket. If you do, the overridden value is shown here. You can also change it here, if you like. Leave it at zero if you don't want to override the contract base price.
Saving Changes
When you have finished entering information for the scale ticket, click the Save button. Contract information and inventory levels will normally be updated within a few seconds. If you change your mind, click the Cancel button.
Getting Here
You can open this window by going to .
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