Inventory Inspector Window

This window can be used to see what caused inventory level changes for an item on a particular day. This is especially useful when you are looking for inventory related errors.

At the top of this window is a message explaining exactly which items are being listed below. This is helpful if you have more than one inspector window open and need to remember what each is for. Inside the list, Fusion will list every thing that affected the inventory levels for the day. For example, a commodity might be affected by some scale tickets, some loads that were mixed in a truck, and some offsets. The main columns to look at would be the Event and Inventory Quantity columns to see if anything is incorrect. The other columns are shown for completeness.

  • Event. This column explains what the event was that caused the inventory level to change.
  • Original Quantity. This column shows the quantity of the item in the units used by the event. For example, a load is mixed with pounds or kilograms even though the inventory level is tracked in tons or tonnes.
  • Equivalency. Shows the value that was used to convert the amount used in the events units to inventory units. For inputs, this will be affected by the Equivalency attribute you have set up.
  • Inventory Quantity. Shows the amount the inventory was adjusted because of this event in inventory units.
  • Cost per unit. Shows the cost (per inventory unit) for the event based on cost attributes currently set up. If the event is an offset and you have overridden the cost, it will be taken into account.
  • Market Value per unit. Shows the market value (per inventory unit) for the event based on market value attributes currently set up. If the event is an offset and you have overridden the market value, it will be taken into account.
  • Bill At per unit. Shows the bill at (per inventory unit) for the event based on bill at attributes currently set up. If the event is an offset and you have overridden the bill at value, it will be taken into account.
  • Total Cost. Shows the total cost associated with the event.
  • Total Market Value. Shows the total market value associated with the event.
  • Total Bill At. Shows the total bill at value associated with the event.

If you need more information about any item in the list, Double-Click it. Fusion will then open an appropriate window to show the event. For example, if you Double-Clicked a scale ticket, a Scale Ticket Edit window would open.

Below the list Fusion shows totals for the items listed.

Getting Here

You can open this window by clicking Inspect or Double-Clicking an item in the Daily Commodity Inventory, Daily Drug Inventory, or Daily Input Inventory windows.

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