Guide to Recording Received Cattle in the Yard

To learn how the yard crew will receive cattle in Fusion, watch this video.


Time: 2:27


When you record incoming cattle in Fusion, you'll be dealing with what we call an "in cohort." Basically, it's a group of animals that arrive together and are all headed for the same pen and lot. If a shipment includes animals destined for different pens or lots, it's important to record them separately. Also, in cohorts need to be created on the same day the animals arrive so they can be properly fed.

To create an in cohort, simply tap on the Create In Cohort button. From there, you can enter the basic information needed to get the animals into the system. Don't worry, the office staff can always add more details later.

By the way, Fusion will automatically assign a unique identifier to the cohort based on the date. Usually, you won't have to change it unless your yard has a different way of identifying cohorts.

Okay, let's talk about where we'll put these animals. For now, they'll go into the first receiving pen. If you happen to know the lot, it's great to set that as well. Although it's not mandatory, you'll need to enter the lot information either here or at the office before you can move the animals to another pen.

Now, let's move on to the number of animals and their weight. It's ideal if you have the exact weight, but if not, it's still important to provide your best estimate. This helps Fusion calculate feeding and growth information until the office can enter the precise weight. Remember, you need to enter the total weight. If you're estimating based on average weight, you can use the calculator like we're doing here.

The remaining information is optional. In this case, we'll skip the Linked Animals button since animal linking is described in another video and is not commonly done when animals come into the feedlot. If you have the manifest number, go ahead and enter it. It'll be helpful for the office staff when they finish entering information later on.

Before you move on, take a moment to double-check that all the information is correct. While you can make some edits later, it's much better to get it right the first time. Once you're sure everything is accurate, just tap the Save button.

Congratulations! These animals are now in the system. The feed trucks will become aware of them after their next full sync. If you need to add more animals, simply repeat the process we just went through.

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