Inventory Thresholds Window

This window is used to show you items where inventory levels are low. The window calculates the threshold based on the principles discussed in the Inventory section of Core Concepts and your inventory related settings for each item as discussed in Commodity/Ingredient Edit Window, Drug Edit Window, and Input Edit Window.

To use the window, use the fields at the top to determine which items you care to look at.

  • Date. Fusion will show today's date in this field by default which is normally what you want, but you can change the date and Fusion will do its best to estimate these values as they would be on a different date.
  • Location. Fusion keeps track of inventory levels for each location separately, so you need to choose the location you are interested in here.
  • Item. Use this field to select which kind of inventory items you are interested in: Commodities, Drugs, or Inputs. Or leave it set to All Items to see everything at the same time.

At the bottom of the list there are some options that determine which items are shown based on how close they are to hitting their threshold. For example, maybe you only care to see items that will hit their threshold today. If you want to filter the list this way, make sure the Only show items within option is turned on and you have entered the correct number of days.

Let's look at each column in the list:

  • Type. This column just shows the type of item in the row. It is most helpful if you are viewing All Items instead of one item type.
  • Item. The name of the item, along with the units inventory is tracked in, is shown here.
  • Threshold. This is the threshold value that you have defined for this item.
  • Capacity. This is the capacity for this item as you have defined it. Fusion doesn't do anything with this value—it is only shown for your information.
  • Current. This column shows the current inventory level for the item (or the end balance if the date entered is in the past).
  • % of Capacity. This column shows the current inventory level as a percentage of the capacity you have defined. This is also just for informational purposes if you are using capacities.
  • Avg Daily Usage. Fusion calculates the current average usage for the item based on how actual recent usage and how you have set the item up. This is the value it uses to figure out how long it will be before the inventory level drops below the threshold.
  • Days To Threshold. This is the column that shows you how many days, based on current usage patterns, it will be before you drop below the inventory threshold. If this value it negative, you have already dropped below the threshold and the item will show in red.

Note that Fusion will show items in the list in red if they are already below their threshold.

Copying To Clipboard

If you click the Copy To Clipboard button, Fusion will copy the list contents exactly as you see them to the system clipboard. You can then paste the list into a spreadsheet for further use.


If you would like to print a copy of the list, click the Print button. Fusion will print the list exactly as it is seen, so if you want to change the sort order, make sure you do that by clicking the appropriate column header before printing. By default, Fusion will print the report in black and white, but you can have it print in color by turning on the Print In Color option before printing. This just makes sure that any rows that are red in the list will be printed red as well (assuming you have a color printer, of course).

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Core → Inventory → Inventory Thresholds.

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