Bulk Attribute Change Window

As explained in the Attributes section of Core Concepts, you can change the attributes of ingredients, drugs, inputs, and other items through the attribute edit windows, but if you want to change many at one time, this window is the best place to do that.

Fusion never automatically changes the pricing for items. You need to manually set your pricing each month before sending your invoices out. This window can be used to make this a quick process. You can change the pricing historically. For example, you can wait until the end of the April to set the pricing starting at the beginning of April.

Basic Usage

Let's first go over the most basic way of using this window. We'll then build on that foundation to show several other ways of using the window. This most basic way is best for non-pricing type attributes, whereas the other methods usually only make sense for adjusting pricing each month.

  1. Choose an item using the Item field.
  2. Choose the attribute you want to change using the Item Attribute field.
  3. Click the Fill Items List button. Fusion will show a list of all the items you selected in the list below.
  4. Double-Click in the New Value column to change the value for the items that need to change. When you tab out of a New Value field, Fusion will automatically check the Change column checkbox.
  5. Check the location(s) you want to the new values applied to in the location list at the bottom of the window.
  6. Enter the change date in the Date field below. The new values you entered will take affect starting on this date.
  7. Click the Save Changes button. For each item that has the Change column checked, Fusion will create an appropriate attribute record with the new value.

If you want to then work with another item or attribute, click the Clear List button and then start over again. You may also want to change the values and then save them for a different location and/or date. When you are completely finished, simply close the window.

Remember that you can click on column headers in the list to sort the list once it has been filled. You can often use this technique in combination with other aspects of the window to quickly work with the items you are most interested in.
If you are entering dry matter percentages, Fusion will not allow you to save the changes if any amount is outside the threshold defined by an ingredient.

List Columns

Let's take a look at each column in the list.

  • Item. When the list is filled, each item of the selected type (ingredients, drugs, inputs, etc.) will be listed here so you can make changes for any or all of them.
  • Previous Date. If you have asked Fusion to show previous information, this column will show the date that the Previous Value was effective on.
  • Previous Value. If you have asked for previous information to show, this column will show the value.
  • New Value. This column is where you enter a new attribute value. Double-Click to edit a value. Once in edit mode, you can use Tab and Shift-Tab to walk through the list.
  • Change. When you click Save Changes, only items that have this column checked will have a new attribute value saved.
  • Unit Info. This column shows the units Fusion is working in for the attribute value.

Using the Previous Columns

The "previous" columns can be used in three different ways to help you figure out the new attribute value. First, you can have Fusion show the current values of the attribute (or a different attribute) so you have something to guide you as you make changes. Second, you can use the "previous" values in a formula to automatically update the new values. Third, you can use them in a markup formula you define. All three are explained below, but first we need to discuss how to get information into the "previous" columns.

There are actually two ways to fill in the "previous" columns. For either way you need to be looking at the advanced area of the window. If you aren't already, click the Show Advanced button to reveal this area. (You can later hide it by clicking the Hide Advanced—helpful when actually entering values into the list since you can see more at once.)

Selecting An Attribute To Fill "Previous" Columns With

With the advanced area of the window showing, look at the area of the window that is titled You can change what information is in the "Previous" columns based on these choices and follow these steps:

  1. Select an attribute from the Item Attribute field. You don't have to choose the same attribute as is listed in the main item list. For example, when you are changing values for the Bill At attribute, you may want to fill in the "previous" columns with the Cost attribute so you can figure your bill at pricing based on the cost.
  2. Select a location from the Location field. The "previous" columns will be filled with attribute values from this location.
  3. Enter a date in the Before or On This Date field. Fusion will fill the "previous" columns with the attribute value that was changed either on this date or the closest before this date. For example, if you leave this date set to today's date, Fusion will fill the "previous" columns with the most recent attribute values.
  4. Click the Update "Previous" Columns button. Fusion will then fill in the "previous" columns with the information you have requested.

Filling "Previous" Columns From Scale Tickets

When setting pricing for ingredients, it is common to want to base you pricing on the actual costs of the commodities in the last month based on scale tickets. Fusion can figure these averages out for you and place the values in the "previous" columns for you to use automatically. To do this, click the From Commodities… button. A window will open where you can specify how you would like Fusion to average the commodity pricing.

  • Date Range. Fusion will look at all reconciled scale tickets that fall within this date range for figuring out pricing.
  • Location. Choose a location here. Fusion will only look at scale tickets that were delivered to the selected location. If you want to look at all locations, select All Locations.
  • Use Override Base Price if Available. Normally Fusion looks at each scale ticket and then figures out the price for that load based on the associated contract details including discounts and premiums. In Fusion Commodity it is possible to override the base price of an individual scale ticket which would affect the overall price for a load. If you have overridden scale tickets and want Fusion to use the overridden base price when calculating the overall price, make sure this option is checked.
  • Include Unpaid Scale Tickets. You may have scale tickets that fall within the date range, but where the paper work hasn't been fully finished yet. This option gives you the choice to include or not include scale tickets that haven't been paid yet. The default would be to not include them under the assumption that the figures haven't been checked for accuracy yet.

When you are done, click the OK button and Fusion will figure out the pricing for each commodity based on the options you have specified and place these values in the "previous" columns.

If there are values in the "previous" columns, you can have Fusion place new values in them any time you want by repeating either of the above steps over again.

It is important to realize that putting something in the "previous" columns doesn't actually set any pricing or other attributes. These columns are only to give you information or to be used in a markup calculation for setting the New Value column.

Using a Custom Formula To Set Values

If you use a very simple markup formula, the Custom Formula area of the window may be all you require to set pricing. As an example, let's assume that you always mark up your commodity pricing by 10%. Here are the steps you would follow:

  1. Fill the "previous" columns with the pricing from you scale tickets as described above.
  2. In the Custom Formula area, change the formula so that it reads New Value = Previous Value times 1.1.
  3. In the item list select the ingredients you want to change. Type Control-A (Command-A on Mac) when the list has the focus to select them all.
  4. Click the Apply button. Fusion will then apply the formula to each selected item, changing the New Value based on the "previous" values and the formula. It also sets the Change column so these values will be included in the next save.
  5. When you are satisfied with the new values, save the changes as described above.

Using a Defined Markup Formula To Set Values

When you created your ingredients, drugs, and inputs, there was a place where you could define a way of marking up pricing for each item (see Commodity/Ingredient Edit Window, Drug Edit Window, and Input Edit Window). If you do this, you can have a different markup method for each item and Fusion can apply them all at once using the Defined Markup Formula area of the window. These are the steps you would follow:

  1. Fill the "previous" columns with the pricing from you scale tickets as described above.
  2. In the item list select the ingredients you want to change. Type Control-A (Command-A on Mac) when the list has the focus to select them all.
  3. Click the Apply… button. You will be asked to choose a location since you can define a different markup strategy for each location for an item. Fusion will then apply each selected item's markup based on the "previous" column value and sets the New Value column with it. It also sets the Change column so these values will be included in the next save.
  4. When you are satisfied with the new values, save the changes as described above.

Typical Monthly Pricing Steps

Although you can use any combination of the functionality described above to set your pricing each month, the following can be used as an example of how it is commonly done for ingredients. Other items would be similar, but you would have to manually set your cost pricing.

  1. Fill the item list for ingredients and the cost attribute.
  2. Fill the "previous" columns based on scale tickets for the last month.
  3. Use the Custom Formula area to copy the "previous" column values into the New Value with the following formula: New Value = Previous Value plus 0.
  4. Save these cost attributes.
  5. Clear the list and then fill it for ingredients and the bill at attribute.
  6. Fill the "previous" columns based on the cost pricing that was just set.
  7. Use a custom formula, defined markup, or simply manually change the bill at pricing in the New Value column as desired.
  8. Save these bill at attributes.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Core → Attributes → Bulk Attribute Change.