During the Job
During a job, there are a number of windows that work together, each with different functionality. Each of these windows is covered here.
Job Controller Window
This window is the one that controls the overall job. It is the one with the Next and Skip buttons on it and which shows the count of animals in the job. If you are using the RFID reader to auto advance to the next animal, you will not need to use the Next button. If not, use the Next button to advance to the next animal. If you are in a virtual job, you will not be able to add more animals than were originally selected. Use the Skip button to skip or unskip an entire animal. Skipped animals are treated as if they never entered the chute during the job.
This window also has a
button which has many options. Note that some of these options only show up in certain situations.
- Review Animals. Opens a window showing a list of all the events in the job so far along with some general information about each one including what sort groups each animal ended up in. You can select an event and click View Selected to go to that animal. You can also click View Last Event to go to the animal currently in the chute. By default, this window will show the RFID tag of each animal in the job. If you prefer to see another ID, click the RFID column header and choose a different ID. Your choice will be remembered for the rest of the job. (Note that you can also review animals by clicking the blue arrows in the Job Controller window.)
- Go To Current Animal. If you are currently reviewing an animal from earlier in the job, this will take you directly to the animal currently in the chute.
- Automatically Do Virtual Job. If this is a virtual job, you can keep hitting the Next button until all the animals are part of the job. However, if you don't need to manually do anything to each animal, use this option to have Fusion automatically run through all of the animals. If some animals are already done it will start after them. It will end with the last animal where you will have a chance to review and then finalize the job. This is helpful for certain jobs that can be run in the office.
- View Job Stats So Far. Fusion can calculate the job's stats live during the job. Choosing this option will do that and then show you the Job Stats window.
- Animal History Window. Opens the current animal's Animal History window. Note that anything that can be seen in that window can also be shown in a HUD window so if you find yourself frequently opening this window to look up some information you might consider adding it to a HUD instead, especially if you have a larger monitor.
- Animal Note. Allows you to add to or modify the animal's note.
- Event Note. Allows you to add a note specific to this event.
- Job Note. Allows you to add or modify this job's note.
- Modify Job Setup For Future Animals. Opens the Job Setup window again so you can modify it. Note that whatever changes you make will take effect on the next animal that enters the chute, not the current one.
- Change Drug Batch Number. Use this option to change the batch number for a drug. If you have a drug selected/shown in the Subjobs window, it will automatically be put at the top of the list in this window. Tap a Batch Number cell to change the batch number. This will be valid for the animal the job is currently on and new animals going forward. You can change the batch number before the first animal enters the chute as well. You can also change it multiple times during the job. Fusion automatically assigns the batch number to drug events created from this job and it will update the current batch number for this location during job finalization if the batch number was changed during the job. Note that you can only change the batch number if you are on the current animal; you can't use this option if you are reviewing a previous animal.
- Drug Information. Shows a bit of information about the current drug you are working with. You can also look at information about other drugs.
- Diagnosis Information. Shows a bit of information about the current diagnosis you are working with. You can also look at information about other diagnoses.
- Check Different Animal's History. Opens the Animal list window so you can look up other animals.
- View Pen Information. Shows a list of pens and pertinent information about each of them.
- Withdrawals Window. Opens the Withdrawals window.
- Calculator. Gives quick access to a calculator if needed.
- Calendar. Gives quick access to a calendar if needed.
- Pause Job. Allows you to pause the job. You will need to resume the job later on. When you resume the job you will resume it exactly where you currently are. It is not recommended to pause jobs over night.
- Send Back As A Paused Job. If you are reviewing a job and find that it wasn't finished, you can use this option to send it back as a paused job for the crew to finish.
- Save Job For Finalization. If a finalization request was given for this job, the crew can choose this option when they are done. Users with elevated permissions will receive a notification and, optionally, a text message letting them know the job needs to be reviewed and finalized. Jobs should be finalized on the same day they started.
- Finalize Job. If the job is finished, choose this job to finalize it. You may be asked a few more questions concerning moves and in cohorts, but once you commit to finalization it cannot be reversed.
- Cancel and Delete Job. Choose this option to cancel the job and delete everything related to it.
- Enter Easy Move Windows Mode. When you choose this option, all windows related to the job will turn yellow and you can drag the windows to new locations very easily, even on a touch screen. When you are done, choose the
button again to leave this mode. Fusion will remember the position of the windows for the next job of this type on this computer and open them in the new position (unless the job setup doesn't allow that).
- Reset Window Positions. When you choose this option, Fusion will automatically rearrange all the windows related to the job in the positions defined in the job definition. This is helpful if windows seem to be in the wrong place and you want them lined up again.
- Help. Opens Fusion Documentation window to show this very topic.
- Reconnect To RFID Reader. If Fusion lost its connection to the RFID reader during the job, this option will be available so you can try reconnecting.
- Reconnect To Custom ID Reader. If Fusion lost its connection to the any tag reader associated with a custom ID during the job, this option will be available so you can try reconnecting.
- Reconnect To Temperature Probe. If Fusion lost its connection to the temperature probe during the job, this option will be available so you can try reconnecting.
- Reconnect To CCIA Database. If Fusion lost its connection to the CCIA database during the job, this option will be available so you can try reconnecting.
- Reconnect To Keyboard Profile on port…. If Fusion lost its connection to an electronic keyboard during the job, this option will be available so you can try reconnecting.
- Reconnect To Sorting Gate Device. If Fusion lost its connection to the sorting gate during the job, this option will be available so you can try reconnecting.
Dosing guns don't have a reconnect option. Fusion automatically tried to reconnect to a gun with a lost connection every 10 seconds as long as the job is running. |
Subjobs List Window
This window shows a list of all the active, non-hidden subjobs currently in play. The list may change for each animal and even while an animal is in the chute as Fusion gets more information, placing the animal in different sort groups. The normal subjobs will be listed first and then the subjobs from active sort groups and added on the fly subjobs will be listed next with different colored backgrounds.
You can ask Fusion to skip a subjob by clicking in the Skip column. Fusion will treat the animal as if that subjob did not exist. You can also add subjobs on the fly by clicking the Add Subjob button and choosing a subjob.
Jobs can be created where there are a number of hidden subjobs. If you want to temporarily see these, use the
button to either show or hide these subjobs. If hidden subjobs are being shown, Fusion will automatically go back to hiding them when you move to another animal.
Subjob Detail Window
This window shows information regarding the currently selected subjob and is where you can make changes if you need to. Following is a list of subjob types that can be selected and the options that will be available:
Identify Animal Subjob
This subjob is used to let Fusion know what animal is in the chute. Normally Fusion will already know from the RFID tag it has read (or will assume it is a new animal). But you can use this subjob to query for a specific animal. To do this, choose the ID type and enter the ID value and click Query. If this results in more than one animal, you may want to filter the results based on lot and/or pen. To do this, check the Use Lot/Pen In Query checkbox and select a lot and pen. When you click Query again, Fusion will only look for the ID within the specified lot/pen. For a new animal, you can use the Lot and Pen fields to tell Fusion what where you want the animal to start out as.
You can use the buttons at the bottom to ask Fusion to check the RFID reader again to look for a different animal and to stop listening for a new animal. Fusion is always listening for new animals, but when these buttons are used it will assume that the next tag it reads is meant for this animal and won't create a new event in the job.
Get Weight Subjob
You can enter a weight manually, if necessary. You can also click the Get Weight Again button to ask Fusion to re-evaluate the scale for a new weight.
Get Temp Subjob
You can enter a temperature manually, if necessary. You can also click the Get Temperature Again button to ask Fusion to get another temp for the animal.
Get Lung Score Subjob
This subjob will receive the lung score from a Whisper Veterinary Stethoscope. If necessary, you can enter the lung score manually, but only if the logged in user has the correct permissions.
Age Verify Subjob
You can use the button to ask Fusion to age verify the animal again. You can also use this area to manually enter the age verification information if necessary. If there has been an error during age verifying, the error message will be shown in red. This subjob is mostly only helpful if you have asked Fusion to age verify immediately from the client. If it was just sent to the server, it doesn't make much sense to change anything here.
New RFID Subjob
If an animal is getting a new RFID tag, click the button to scan it in or enter it manually.
Change Custom ID Subjob
Use the field in this window to manually change the custom ID if you want. You can also ask Fusion to revert back to the initially suggested ID. If a tag reader is associated with the custom ID, you can use the Scan Using Tag Reader button to read another tag.
Change Attributes Subjob
You can change a number of attributes here. When changing the Source field, the window uses several mechanisms to make it fairly easy to select the contact you are interested in quickly. Two in particular are worth mentioning:
- The left side of the window lists all the "categories" of contacts that you have defined. If you haven't put your contacts into categories yet, we recommend that you to so—at least for a buyer or source category—as it will make contact selection during a job much easier. Select the category on the left and just the contacts from that category will show up on the right.
- There is a special category named Recent Contacts. Once you launch Fusion Client, Fusion starts remembering every contact you choose and keeps it in this list until you quit Fusion Client. So if a job uses a handful of contacts, the first time you need to select each contact make take a few touches to find it. But after that it will be in the Recent Contacts category so you can quickly select it.
Give Drug Subjob
Here you can change the drug and/or amount being applied as well as revert back to the suggested amount. Note that if a dosing gun is connected to this subjob and has already been triggered for this animal, you will no longer be able to change the information for the subjob.
Give Input Subjob
Here you can change the input and/or amount being applied as well as revert back to the suggested amount. If the input is tracking stats, you can select the stat item.
Treat Subjob
If the animal is not in treatment, you will need to choose a diagnosis. Once you have done this, Fusion will attempt to figure out the best protocol and show you what drugs, if any, are needed to treat with. You can override the protocol using the Protocol/Treatment Schedule button (see Protocol/Treatment Schedule Window). Fusion will recognize animals already in treatment and show what needs to happen for this day in the treatment schedule. You can override anything you like as well as enter a treatment note. You can use the Optional Actions button to stop a treatment early.
When you are choosing a new diagnosis for an animal, the Pulled From field will be visible. The pen the animal was pulled from should be selected in order to properly associate pens with diagnosis events for reporting purposes. By default, the animal's home pen (if known) will be here but you should make sure it is correct. If a default pen cannot be used, a dialog will be shown so the user can choose a pen before continuing. (While the diagnosis pulled from pen will normally be the same pen as the animal's home pen in the Relocate subjob, it doesn't have to be.)
Fusion assumes the scale and other information is settled before you choose a diagnosis. Once you have chosen a diagnosis and Fusion has figured out the default protocol, this will not automatically change if other things (such as the weight) change later in the job. However, you can use the Reevaluate Protocol button to have Fusion figure it out again with any new information. |
Note that if a dosing gun is connected to a drug in this subjob and has already been triggered for this animal, you will no longer be able to change the diagnosis, protocol, or information related to that particular drug.
Relocate Subjob
With this subjob you can tell Fusion where the animal is moving from (if it doesn't already know) and where it is moving to. You can also set the home pen.
Change Slaughter Date Subjob
You can manually set the slaughter date or use the button to have Fusion revert back to the calculated one.
Change Custom Field Subjob
You can manually change a custom field or use the button to revert back to the suggested value.
Change Genetic Test Subjob
You can manually change a genetic test field or use the button to revert back to the suggested value.
Ultrasound Subjob
You can manually enter the ultrasound values.
Flag Subjob
Use the button to dismiss the flag. The subjob will then disappear and not reappear again for this animal.
Scale Indicator Window
The Scale Indicator window shows the weight of the scale. It has a Zero button on it and you can use it to zero the scale periodically as needed.
HUD Windows
You can switch among the different pages of a HUD window in a few different ways. You can click the right and left arrows in the window title area. You can click on the window title and choose from a list of pages. Most pages will also allow you to tap in the center of the page to move to the next page. Only the Running Totals page doesn't allow this because you need to be able to select rows.
Following is a brief description of each page type and how to use it:
- The Event Synopsis page shows a list of major things that need to be done to the animal. The job definition gives you control over which subjobs might send information to the Synopsis Page.
- The Running Totals page shows the count, average weight, and total weight for all animals in the job as well as a break down for each sort group. At any point during the job you can select the total or a sort group and reset the count and weights. You can also toggle between seeing the information since the last reset or the total information. If you make a mistake and reset a group or total when you shouldn't, use the
button to make a correction. Fusion will recalculate everything based on the correction.
- The Animal Job History page shows the same information as the the Job History area of the Animal History window so you can quickly see what jobs the animal has been in before and what happened without having to manually look up its history.
- Similarly, the Animal Movement History page shows the pen and lot movement history for the animal.
- The Animal Withdrawal History page shows a list of all the drugs the animal has had and the withdrawal for each. They will be in red if a withdrawal is still in affect.
- Custom pages will show whatever fields you create.
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