Billing Category Pick List Window

Billing categories are used to break drug and input usage into categories (see Core Concepts). This window is used to create a list of possible billing categories so that when you enter them in other places in Fusion it is faster and more consistent.

To add a new category, click the + button and enter the category name. To remove a category, select it and click the - button. If you want to change the name of a category, Double-Click it and then change the name.

When you have finished making your changes, click the Save button to save the list. If you have changed your mind, click the Cancel button instead.

Please note that if you change or delete a billing category, it is only changing it for this list which can be used when entering billing categories in the future. Any drug or input events that were assigned the old billing category will remain unchanged. If you want to change this historical information, use the Change Billing Category functionality in the Drug Events List or Input Events List windows.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Admin → Setup → Billing Category Pick List.

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