Guide to Recording Shipped Cattle in the Yard

To learn how the yard crew will ship cattle in Fusion, watch this video.


Time: 2:49


When cattle leave the yard, we need to record them as an "out cohort." An out cohort refers to a group of animals from the same lot and pen. So, if you're shipping a pen with multiple lots, you'll need to create separate out cohorts for each group. It's important to create these out cohorts on the same day the cattle leave the yard.

To create an out cohort, simply tap the Create Out Cohort button and choose the Simple Out Cohort option. Here, you can enter the basic information required to remove animals from the system. The office staff can later add additional details.

To begin, select the Entity field to choose the group of cattle that are leaving. You'll need to pick a pen and, if there are multiple lots in the pen, select the specific lot as well. For example, if you choose the "Chronic 1" pen, you'll see that you also need to choose one of the lots. On the other hand, if you select pen "4," there's no need to select a lot.

Next, you'll need to specify how many animals are being shipped. You can either tap the All Animals button if the entire group is leaving, or you can enter a count manually.

If you want to link individual animals to the out cohort, you can use the Linked Animals button. While this is recommended, it's optional, and there's another video that explains the implications of linking animals in more detail.

You'll notice that the Total Weight field is already filled in. Fusion took the estimated average weight for the selected group and multiplied it by the count. Let's say we change the count to 53. Fusion isn't sure whether you want it to recalculate the total weight, so it asks for confirmation. Unless you already know the exact weight and will enter it directly, it's best to tap Yes so that Fusion can recalculate it.

In most cases, the Out Reason field will remain set to Slaughter, but you can change it if needed. Fusion will automatically assign a unique identifier to the cohort based on the date. You only need to modify this if your yard follows a different system for cohort identification. If you know the manifest number, enter it as we're doing here. This will be helpful for the office staff when they finish entering information later on.

We encourage you to take a moment and double-check the information for accuracy. Although it's possible to edit some of the details later, it's always better to get it right the first time. Once you're confident that the information is correct, simply tap the Save button.

Congratulations! These animals are now officially out of the system. If they were the last animals in a lot, the lot will automatically close, and all individual animals connected to it will be marked as non-current. Feed trucks will become aware of these changes after their next full sync. If you need to ship more animals, just follow the same process again.

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