Fusion 4.1

Build Date: 2020-08-20

New Features

  • Support for both automed and Te Pari dosing guns has been added to Fusion for use during chuteside jobs. Dosing guns ensure more accurate delivery of drugs to your animals and better inventory control.
  • We've added support for a revolution counter made by Cattle Tech. When used, the Mix Timer window will count actual revolutions of the truck's mixer rather than seconds. The old way of tracking elapsed time is still available. To use either mode you need to use the new Mix Timer option in the Physical Computer Management window. All of your trucks will need to use the same system.
  • Fusion's integration with CCIA is even better now. Fusion distinguishes between recoverable and unrecoverable errors so the background queue should be stopped less often. A new window, available from the CCIA Background Checking window, shows a list of unrecoverable errors and gives new options for dealing with them.


  • If you were using the Mix Timer window previous to this version, you will need to use the Physical Computer Management window to turn this feature on. It isn't automatically on like it used to be.
  • The Lot Edit window will no longer keep the lot record locked if two people have the same lot open at the same time. This change was implemented to fix some cohort editing bugs which it was causing. However, be advised that if two people make changes to the same lot at the same time, the person who saves their changes last will win, overwriting the first person's changes. This only applies to fields in the Lot Edit window. It doesn't apply to in cohorts and out cohorts associated with the lot.

Bug Fixes

  • There was a problem with numerous errors when running Fusion Client on a Mac when the server was on Windows. This is fixed.
  • The Out Cohort edit window wrongly allowed the out date to be changed when an out cohort was first created. This is fixed.
  • Several other issues related to in and out cohort editing were resolved.
  • A corrupt file at a client computer could cause Fusion Server to hang when that client tried to connect. This is fixed.
  • Closing the Job Options window using the "X" instead of the Cancel button resulted in an incomplete job. This is fixed.