Fusion 3.5
Build Date: 2017-06-16
New Features
- Case #2 It is now possible to change the date when editing in and out cohorts. You can also create an in cohort (if necessary) for an earlier date. Finally, you can change the lot when editing an in cohort.
- Case #139 Fusion now has full support for recording and dealing with lung scores. This includes the ability to base treatment protocols off this score. In conjunction with this, you can connect a Whisper Veterinary Stethoscope to Fusion to automatically send lung scores to Fusion during a chuteside job.
- Case #115 The Lot Info Export functionality has been greatly expanded. We've added a second generation file format which can include a great deal more information which can be sent to third parties, if you so choose. Please see the documentation for the Lot Info Export window for more information.
- Case #143 If you leave Fusion Client running when, for example, you go to lunch and the computer goes to sleep, Fusion should now be able to automatically reconnect to the server when the computer wakes up so you can continue on where you left off.
- Case #142 Fusion can now connect to UHF tag readers which support a subset of the USDA interim standard for reading UHF tags.
- Case #8 Advanced print calculated columns have the following new functions available: MonthNumInYear, MonthNumSince2000, and YearNum.
- The threshold used when detecting whether an ingredient in a load should show extra decimal places was increased from 10 lbs to 15 lbs.
Bug Fixes
- Case #129 Selecting a row in the Pen's Lots List or Lot's Pens List windows would sometimes cause the list to scroll the item out of view. This is fixed.
- Case #130 When printing a report with break levels and subtotals, some circumstances could cause a subtotal row to not print. This is fixed.