Fusion 2.0.5

Build Date: 2010-08-13

New Features

  • Several network settings have been adjusted to see if we can get fewer client disconnects on networks. For example, in one test we connected Fusion Client to Fusion Server and then pulled the network cable out. We then tried to open a window and Fusion Client appeared to hang. After leaving it for about a minute, we plugged the cable back in and a few seconds later Fusion Client finished opening the window and continued on like normal. Before, in a similar test, Fusion Client would tell you it had been reconnected, but would still need to be force quit. However, with every network being different, it would be helpful if we could have feedback letting us know if you have fewer or more client disconnects than in the past so we can fine tune these settings even more in future versions.
  • A new option has been added to Fusion Admin --> Utilities named Force Cache Update which can be used in some debugging cases. It is harmless if accidentally used when it isn't needed.
  • Several places in the previously introduced data cache functionality have been sped up.
  • The Pen Day Summary list has a new field, Last Ration Used Today, that can be included in advanced print reports.
  • The Feed Delivery List window has four new fields available to print in Advanced Print reports:
    • Pen's Head Count is the head count at the end of the same day as the feed delivery for the pen delivered to.
    • Pen's Animal Weight is the average animal weight for the pen on the day of the feed delivery.
    • Pen's Bunk Call Per Animal is the last recorded bunk call accepted for the pen on the day of the feed delivery.
    • Total DM Delivered To Pen Today is the total dry matter amount delivered to the pen the day of the feed delivery. The feed delivery itself would be a subset of this value.
  • When making bunk calls, the window now shows the DMI%BW based on the bunk call and it changes as you change the bunk call. Also, the Max Call indicator that shows in the truck is now also in the Daily Feed Detail window.
  • Any place in Fusion that made a graph is now using a different drawing engine. Please let us know if you notice any errors or visual problems introduced by this.
  • The bunk call area in the Bunk Call/Feed Delivery window and in the Daily Feed Detail window has been changed in the following ways:
    • Some new indicators have been added to the bunk call indicator list. If you had previously customized this list, you will need to revisit the Preferences and decide how you want to customize the list now.
    • There are now two indicator columns. The right one is as it used to be--for the current day. The left one is for the currently selected day. You can change this by running your finger along the graph (touchscreen) or by clicking and dragging across the graph with a mouse. A purple dot at the bottom of the graph will show which day's information is currently being displayed in the left column and the left column header will change to show the actual date. This mechanism takes the place of the little yellow tooltips that would show if you hovered your mouse over a day on the graph.
    • If a note (either global or for a pen) exists for a day, a little yellow triangle will be drawn on the graph for that day so you can easily see which days have notes. One of the new indicators will show the note in the list below. If the note it too long to completely show in the list, you can click the note in the list and the full note will be shown in a dialog window.
    • When used outside of a truck (in an office, for example), the network traffic used to gather information needed to draw the graph has been drastically reduced which should speed much of this up in that context. In addition, once the graph is drawn, it is cached on the client as long as the window stays open. This means that if you select pens (say, in the Daily Feed Detail window, Bunk Call tab), and then go back and reselect them, the graph should draw almost immediately for them.
    • Much of the graph drawing and indicator related code has been completely rewritten. We've tested it carefully, but please be on the look out for things we might have missed. Thanks.
  • Regarding the new bunk call graphs: one glitch we ran into with the new engine is that after the graph is drawn, it can't be automatically scrolled to the right like in used to be. We know we will be able to fix this in the next few months, but the fix is currently not available to us. As a work-around, we have implemented the following for the time being. A new checkbox, labeled Draw All of Graph is available in the Daily Feed Detail window (Bunk Call Info tab) and in the Bunk Call/Feed Delivery window. When it is checked, the graph will draw and act normally as explained above, but you will have to manually scroll it to view the part of the graph you want to see. If you leave it unchecked (the default in trucks), the graph is cropped to just what will show in the window and you cannot scroll it or drag your finger across to see different indicator values. Most of the time you only need to see the right side of the graph anyway, so this should be fine. When you do need to see more of the graph or change the indicator values, just check this checkbox and all subsequently drawn graphs will allow you to do this. We will fix this glitch and return normal behaviour as quickly as we can.
  • The First Launch Assistant (when starting at a brand new feedlot) now has a place to enter the email address which, if entered, will automatically subscribe the address to the customer list. This will help ensure that new customers know about new upgrades, etc. right away.

Bug Fixes

  • The View Pen Info window which can be shown from the Options button during a chuteside job showed the wrong ration for each pen. This is fixed.
  • When treating animals, if the treatment schedule was manually chosen, the withdrawal date was sometimes not recalculated. This is fixed.
  • The "hand" icon for adding ingredient quantity in manual mode on a touchscreen in the Mix New Load window was missing. This is fixed.
  • If a ration version was added, any loads made with the new ration version displayed in the Daily Feed Detail window would not have a ration name associated with the load. This was just cosmetic (Fusion still knew what ration was being used, it just wasn't showing it). This is fixed.
  • When an incorrect value was entered into some bound text objects, and error could sometimes occur. This is fixed. From now on, if a bound text object requires you to choose from a list of items, and if you type in an item that doesn't exist, Fusion will beep and the previous value will automatically be placed back in the field.
  • The Target and Actual DMI Variance bunk call indicators were calculated incorrectly. This is fixed.
  • The Max Call value could be incorrect if viewed later in the day after accepting a new bunk call for the day. This is fixed.
  • When using the Feed Dump report, if sending to a file or clipboard, the last two column headers were blank. This is fixed.
  • If you are using a water meter for tempering, you should always enter a water meter reading for some date after the reporting period before generating reports. This allows Fusion to calculate the tempering percentage during the period. If there isn't a reading after the reporting period, Fusion was supposed to just to the best it could by using the closest information and estimating. However, there has been a bug where it would choose the wrong period in this situation. This is now fixed, but you should still always enter a reading after the reporting period before generating reports for the best accuracy.
  • If you edited an in cohort from a closed lot and then saved the in cohort, Fusion would forget what lot the in cohort belonged to and it was not possible to change it back without technical assistance. This is fixed.