Pen Day Summary List

This list is a record of a pen's status for things like current count and weight as of midnight for each day it was there was activity. If all the animals are moved out of a pen on a day, the record for that day is kept with the last known bunk call info, although the counts and weights will be zero. If animals move into the pen later that day, the bunk call information will be reset and the same record will be re-used. This list can be viewed as a child list only.

Field Display Speed Description
Pen Normal The name of the pen.
Date Normal The date this summary record is for. The values are as the pen was at the end of the day.
Count Normal The current count in the pen at the end of the day. This count is based on in and out cohorts, not individual animal records.
Weight Normal The average weight of the pen. If the pen has different lots that weigh different amounts in it, this will be the average weighted by head count. This weight is influenced by the weight of new cattle coming in through in cohorts, cattle leaving through out cohorts, manual weight changes, and by Fusion calculating an increased weight each day based on the weight gain model settings for the lots within the pen.
Actually Weighed Percent Normal If someone manually updated a pen's weight for the day, the percentage of the pen's cattle that were affected by that manual change is reflected here. This information is given so you can easily see where weights are increasing naturally and were they may have been corrected and to what degree.
Bunk Call Made Normal If animals are in a pen at midnight when Fusion creates new summary records for the new day, it will assume the same bunk call as yesterday, but it will set this field to "No". Once someone has made a bunk call this field will be "Yes" for this day. Of course, bunk calls can be made multiple times throughout the day and this field stays "Yes".
Target DMI per animal Normal This is the bunk call for the pen on a dry matter per animal basis.
Actual DMI per animal Normal This is the actual feed intake by the pen on a dry matter per animal basis for the day.
Current Bunk Score Normal The bunk score for this pen on this day. If multiple bunk scores were recorded, this will be the latest non-zero bunk score recorded on that day.
Feeding Protocol Name Normal The name of the feeding protocol (if any) associated with this pen on this day. If multiple protocols were assigned on a day, this will be the most recent.
Current Protocol Step Normal The feeding protocol step (if any) this pen is on on this day. If multiple steps were assigned during a day, this will be the most recent one.
Protocol Suspended Normal Shows whether an assigned feeding protocol was suspended on this day. If this is a historical date, it refers to whether it was suspended at the end of the day.
Total Actual DMI Normal This is the total amount of feed consumed by the pen today on a dry matter basis.
Last Ration Used Today Normal The name of the last ration assigned to the pen on the day. We say the last ration because the ration might be changed several times during the course of the day with different bunk calls. Only the last one for the day is remembered here. You can look at the bunk call event list to see every ration assigned on a day if needed.
Withdrawal Date Normal This is the feed based withdrawal date based on ingredients fed to the pen on this date. It does not take into account feed that was fed to the pen on previous days. This is by design as this field is simply used by Fusion in other areas for calculating true feed withdrawal dates for lots and animals.
Pen Density (sq ft/animal) Normal The pen density based on the size of the pen and the number of animals in the pen at the end of the day.
Bunk Density (in/animal) Normal The bunk density based on the length of the pen's feed bunk and the number of animals in the pen at the end of the day.
Note Normal When a bunk call is made, a note can be associated with it. If it is, that note will be appended to this field which is essentially a compilation of bunk call notes for the day. When a bunk call graph is being viewed, you can see the days where there are notes and display them if you like. When doing so, that information is pulled, in part, from this field.
Principle Lot Slow The name of the principle lot in the pen on this day. When a pen has multiple lots in it, the principle lot will be the one with the most animals in the pen. If there are more than one lot with the same number of animals in the pen, the principle lot will be the one with the highest weight. If multiple lots have the same weight, Fusion will randomly choose a lot to be the principle lot.
Lots In Pen Slow This field shows a list of the lots in the pen at the end of the day.
Lots In Pen (With Count) Slow This field shows a list of lots that were in the pen at the end of the day and includes the number of animals from each lot in the pen.
Lots In Pen (With Weight) Slow This field shows a list of lots that were in the pen at the end of the day and includes the weight of animals from each lot in the pen.
Lots In Pen (With Count and Weight) Slow This field shows a list of lots that were in the pen at the end of the day and includes the number of animals and their weight from each lot in the pen.

Parent Lists

This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following:

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