Inventory Summary Print Definition Window

This window is where you create inventory summary report definitions. You will tell Fusion which sections you want to print and in what order. You will also specify which columns to print in each section.


  • Report Name. Use this field to give the report definition a name. The name must be unique.
  • Ruler Units. As you work on the report definition there are several areas where you can change the dimensions of something. For example, you can change the width of a column. Internally, Fusion remembers each value in pixels, but you can change how these values are displayed with this field.

Measurement Fields

Several places in this window allow you to change a measurement. For example, the width of a column. When the cursor is in one of these fields you can enter a number directly, but there are also some shortcuts you can use. If you type the Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow key, the field will increment or decrement the value by the equivalent of one pixel. If you hold the Shift key down while pressing either arrow key, the field will increment or decrement by the equivalent of ten pixels. This can be a faster way to zero in on a certain measurement.

If you directly enter a measurement, you may notice that Fusion sometimes changes it slightly. For example, if you are using inches and try to enter 0.9, Fusion will change it to 0.903. This is because Fusion works with pixels internally at a resolution of 72 pixels per inch and pixels can't be fractional. 0.9 x 72 = 64.8 pixels which rounds to 65 pixels which equals 0.903 inches.

Report Options

Select one of the items in the Report Options list to make changes for it.

Report Headers

This section sets up the headers that will print for the report.

Report Headers

These three fields refer to the headers that will be printed on the first page of this report. These headers are always printed in a box at the beginning of a report. If you have added your company logo in the Preferences window, it will print on the left side of this box. Your company address will print on the right side of the box. These headers will print in the middle.

The Top header will print in the largest type at the top. The Middle will print in smaller type in the middle, and the Bottom header will print in even smaller type at the bottom of the box. (The date and time of printing are always included just below this box.)

You can enter anything you want in a report header including a variable. To insert a variable, place the cursor in the correct spot in the field and then click the insert var button next to it. You can then choose from some built in variables.

Subsequent Page Header

These fields work very similar to the report header fields just described. The difference is that they print on every page starting with the second page. They will print in a small font size at the left, middle, and right at the top of each page. Inserting variables works the same way as well.

Report Layout

In this section you can choose whether the report prints in portrait or landscape (sideways) mode and what the print margins for each page will be.

Report Description

You can enter a description of what the report is intended for and what needs to be done to set up the data for it here, if you like. The description will be shown when you select a report before printing.

Sections To Include

You tell which sections to include in this report by turning each checkbox on or off in the list. You can also change the print order by dragging and dropping sections in the list. When you select a section, you can set up how the section will print with the options to the rights.

As with page headers, several of the section options allow you to include variables by clicking the insert var button next to them.

Section Comments

This section can be used to print extra information intended for the reader of the report. For example, it might explain how some of the values in the report where calculated.

  • Heading. This will be the subheading for this section. You can change the subhead text if you like.
  • Comments. This will be the actual comments that print in the section.

Commodities, Drugs, Inputs, and Cattle Sections

These sections all work the same way. There is a section heading where you can define the subheading text and an optional comment specific to this section. Then you tell Fusion which columns to print, and in what order, in the section options.

  • Heading. This will be the subheading for this section. You can change the subhead text if you like.
  • Comments. You can enter a comment specifically for this section if you like. It will print just before the list prints.

To add another column to the section, click the + button and choose the column you want to add. (If you hold the Shift key down when you click the + button, Fusion will only show columns that haven't been added yet.) Note that you can print the same column twice if you want to. To remove a column, select it and click the - button. You can change the order the columns print by dragging and dropping them in the list.

To change the print width of a column, Double-Click the width in the Width column and make the change. You will see the Total Width field below the list update so you can see if the columns will fit on a page or not.

If you want to get back to the default set of columns, click the Default Set button. If you hold the Alt (Option on Mac) key down when you click the Default Set button, Fusion will add all possible columns to the list.

Saving Changes

When you are finished, click the Save button to save your changes. If you change your mind, click the Cancel button instead.

Getting Here

You can open this window by creating or editing a report from the Inventory Summary Print window.

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