Each contact, whether a company or person, may have one or more addresses associated with it. This list holds all the addresses for all contacts. It can be viewed as a child list to the Contacts List window.
Field | Display Speed | Description |
Contact Name | Normal | The name of the contact the address is for. |
Address Lines | Normal | The first part of the address. This is usually a post office box or an apartment and street. |
City | Normal | The city portion of the address. |
State | Normal | The province or state portion of the address. |
Country | Normal | The country portion of the address. |
Postal Code | Normal | The postal or zip code portion of the address. |
Address Block | Normal | Fusion will put the entire address together in this field. It is useful for printing a full address. |
Is Primary | Normal | If the contact has more than one address, this will designate the primary one which is the one Fusion will automatically use for invoicing and other reports. |
Note | Normal | You can add a note explaining more about the address, its usage, etc. here. |
Address Type | Not Tested | The address can also be given a type. Current possibilities are Home, Work, Temporary, and Other. |
This list can be a child window (or inlined report) for the following: