Linked Animals Chuteside Job List

This is a list of the chuteside jobs. It is used as a way of finding all the animals in a job for linking purposes.

Field Display Speed Description
Job ID Normal Fusion gives each job a 4 digit ID which you can use to identify this exact job.
Job Name Normal The name of the job as it came from the job definition that was used. Note that this name stays the same once the job is finalized even if you change the name of the job definition the job started from.
Location Normal The location where the job was performed. All animals in the job must have been from this location.
Date Started Normal The date the job was started. This will be the date the job actually started, not when it was set up or placed in the queue.
Time Started Normal The time the job was started. This will be when it was actually started. Note that if the job has not actually started this field will be blank, but a blank time field will look like midnight when it is displayed.
Date Finished Normal The date the job was finalized.
Time Finished Normal The time the job was finalized.
User Normal The user who started and set this job up including, possibly, putting it in a job queue.
Status Normal The job can be in any of the following states: In Queue, In Process, Paused, Waiting For Review, In Review, Server Is Finalizing, Finalized.
Computer Normal The computer where this job was run. Computer can be named in the Physical Computer Management window of the computer.
Default Lot Normal The default lot (if any) for the job. This is the lot that new animals were intially assigned to.
Default Pen Normal The default pen (if any) for the job. This is the pen that new animals were intially assigned to.
Lot Protocol Normal The lot protocol that this job was accomplishing (if any).
Job Note Normal The note from the job. You add a note to the job at any time before it is finalized.

Child Lists

The following can be child windows (or inlined reports) for this list:

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