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Fusion Documentation

We are pleased to announce that full documentation for Fusion is now available on our website. With over 250 topics spread over 500 pages, we think you will find the documentation both comprehensive and beneficial. Here are a few points we'd like you to know about:

  • All the documentation will be available from within Fusion in version 2.9 which will be available in the next few weeks. It has a Documentation window which can be used to view and search every topic. In addition, every window in the new version has a help button which will open the relevant topic in the Documentation window.
  • The documentation is heavily cross-linked so you can easily read related topics to gain a more full understanding of each part of Fusion.
  • The exact same documentation is available in Fusion and on the website. This makes it easy to access when you are using Fusion, but allows full access if Fusion isn't working for some reason.
  • We have created an internal system that makes it simple to keep the documentation up to date all the time now. The website's documentation will be updated with any changes each time we send out a new version of Fusion.
  • The first section in the documentation is named Fusion Basics and it is designed to give you a basic, overall understanding of how to use Fusion. Even if you have used Fusion for a long time, we especially encourage you to read the Core Concepts, Data Entry Techniques, and Entity Chooser topics.
  • The other sections and subsections follow the same pattern as Fusion's menu system which should make it easy to find most documentation even without searching.
  • We recognize you may encounter spelling and other errors and encourage you to report these as well as any other suggestions you have for the documentation. We want to make it the best documentation possible! Feedback can be given from directly within the Documentation window after you upgrade to Fusion 2.9.

If you are new to Fusion, we definitely encourage you to read through the documentation. Even if you have been using Fusion for a long time, we encourage you to at least become familiar with the overall structure of the documentation so you will know what is available when you have questions. We hope you will also occasionally take time to read a topic. We think that if you do you will find helpful features you were not aware of before.

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