Upgrade to Fusion 4.6

Install Fusion 4.6 from this page. Full instructions below.

Don't upgrade to Fusion 4.6 unless you've scheduled to do so with our support team and you've read the instructions below!

Fusion Installer 4.6 (build 105)

Fusion Client 4.6 (build 5008)

Fusion Truck 4.6 (build 5008)

Fusion Server 4.6 (build 5008)

Symmetry 2.0 (build 115)

Upgrade Instructions

Once or twice a decade, the internals of Fusion change enough to necessitate a manual upgrade at each computer. In order to support the direction Microsoft has moved toward for increased security and to alleviate issues with cloud services such as OneDrive and DropBox, Fusion 4.6 must be manually installed at every computer, carefully following the steps outlined below.

Please schedule a date with our support team for your upgrade. We will remotely upgrade your server. We’ll also be available at no charge to help you through the process of upgrading your other computers. We’re also happy to work with your certified partner or IT staff if they will be involved. It is best to upgrade mid-afternoon after feeding is complete, when possible. There is no pressure to upgrade as soon as possible. Note that we will only schedule one upgrade per day.

Upgrade Steps

  1. Make sure all trucks have synced before the upgrade begins and that every Fusion Truck and Fusion Client is shut down.
  2. Perform the following steps on each computer, starting with the server (which we will do) and then working out:
    1. Make sure no Fusion applications are running on the computer. This includes Symmetry if installed.
    2. Install and run Fusion Installer from this link: https://fusionfeedlotinsights.com/46.html or by clicking on the banner at the top of our website's home page.
    3. In Fusion Installer, click the Convert This Computer For Fusion 4.6 button. When the conversion is complete, quit Fusion Installer.
    4. Using the above link install the Fusion application(s) that belong on this computer. This includes Symmetry if installed. This must be done from the website, not Fusion Installer!
    5. Launch Fusion (Client or Truck) on this computer and test to make sure it connects or syncs and that any connected peripherals still work.
  3. If you have trucks which feed at multiple locations, each with their own micro machine, then follow these additional steps on each truck:
    1. Open the Physical Computer Management window and navigate to the Micro Machine settings.
    2. Turn on the new “Use Separate Settings For Each Location” setting.
    3. Make sure the setup is correct for the truck’s current location and then save the settings.
    4. Use the Full Sync window to sync with another location. Then go back to the Physical Computer Management window and turn the Micro Machine checkbox on. Then open the micro machine settings and enter the settings for the micro machine at that location and save.
    5. Repeat for each location this truck feeds at. Now the truck will automatically connect with the correct micro machine when feeding at each location.

Extra Information for IT Personnel

Certified Partners and other IT personnel may find the following information useful:

Feel free to contact us if you have technical questions not covered here.