Guide to Syncing

Syncing throughout the day is very important, both so the truck stays updated on pen movement and other changes and so the rest of the yard stays up to date on feeding. This guide shows how syncing works.


Time: 4:18


Syncing is basically the process of exchanging information between Fusion Truck and Fusion Server. It's important to sync regularly throughout the day when you're feeding, preferably before and after each load. At the very least, make sure to sync at the beginning and end of the day.

The first time you launch Fusion Truck on a computer, you'll see the Full Sync screen. First things first, make sure the Server IP Address is correct. Fusion will try to figure it out automatically, but if it fails, you'll need to find the IP address of Fusion Server and enter it manually. You can use the Auto Find Server button to have it search again.

Keep the Server Connection Port field set to 19820 and enter your username and password. You'll have to type out your username instead of selecting it from a list because Fusion doesn't have the list of users yet.

Now, let's tap the Update Lists button. If you encounter an error, it means that something might not be entered correctly or Fusion is unable to reach the server. Ideally, you'll see the Location and Truck fields populated. Double-check if they're correct and make changes if needed. Then, simply tap the Begin Sync button. Once this initial sync is complete, you can log in and start feeding.

In the future, when you launch Fusion Truck in the morning, you'll be prompted to do a full sync. This will take you back to the Full Sync Window, but you won't have to enter all the information again. Just tap the Begin Sync button, and you're good to go.

When you want to sync during the day, go to the Main Menu window and tap one of the sync buttons. The Push Sync button only sends feeding information from the truck to the server, so Fusion won't become aware of changes like pen movements. The Full Sync button exchanges information both ways. Nowadays, a Full Sync is so fast we recommend using it in almost every situation.

To make syncing easier, you can set up automated syncing in the Preferences window of Fusion Truck, as long as your network setup allows it. If you have a good network connection near the mill, choose the last option in the first column. This way, Fusion will automatically perform a full sync every time you save a new load of feed.

If you have reliable network coverage throughout the yard, select the last option in the second column as well. This will trigger a full sync after you've finished delivering the last load. Keep in mind that not all yards have optimal coverage, so the next best option in the second column is the second option. With this choice, Fusion will prompt you to sync after completing a delivery, but it won't perform the sync until you tap the button. This ensures you remember to sync while allowing you to drive to an area with a good network before starting the sync.

Of course, you can choose other options if they work better for your yard.

Occasionally, you might need to return to the Full Sync window after logging in. Simply access it from the Options button.

Remember that Fusion Truck won't know about any changes made throughout the yard until it performs a full sync. This includes pen movements, changes to rations, and even modifications to user permissions.

If you're using multiple trucks for feeding, this also applies to bunk calls, loads, and deliveries made by other trucks. For such cases, there are two basic strategies. The first one is to ensure that every truck does a full sync after loading and then after delivering feed. The second strategy is to have each truck handle a specific set of pens, either by area or ration.

Lastly, let's talk about bunk calls involving multiple trucks. If two people make a bunk call for the same pen, each truck will only know about its own call until both trucks have synced. Once they both sync, the latest bunk call made during the day, regardless of the order of syncing, will be kept for both trucks.

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