Guide to Defining Trucks

This video explains how to define trucks, or feed wagons, for use in Fusion.


Time: 1:44


You likely have one or more feed trucks or feed wagons on your yard. If you are involved in batch feeding, you probably have a loader for assembling the batches and one or more delivery trucks for dispensing the feed. In Fusion, all these are called a "truck," and Fusion keeps a record of which truck was involved in events like feed deliveries. Let's go over how these are defined in Fusion.

With the Fusion Setup Assistant open, navigate to the Trucks section and then click on the "Open Trucks Window" button to access this window. Alternatively, you can reach it by ensuring you are on the Fusion Admin menu bar and selecting "Trucks" from the Setup menu.

To define a new truck, click on the "New" button . Each truck should be assigned a unique name. This name will be used later when configuring Fusion for that specific truck.

Fusion also requires information about the truck's capacity. This, in conjunction with the ration density, is used by Fusion to calculate the maximum size of a feed load, ensuring that the truck is not overloaded.

You have the option to include a note. For instance, you can use this field to maintain a record of any maintenance performed on the truck over time. When you have completed this setup, click "Save," and repeat this process for each of your trucks.

Additionally, many of our customers choose to define a truck named "Office." This can be useful when manually recording a load or delivery from within the office. In the future, when reviewing these records, you will see that the "Office" truck was associated with them, providing clarity regarding how the event was recorded.

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