Pen's Lots List Window

This window is used to give a quick overview of where your cattle are in the feedlot from a pen's perspective. It is similar to the Lot's Pen List window. You can also see where cattle were in the feedlot as of midnight on any day in history.

On the left, you will see a list of pens along with some information about each pen. When you select a pen, you will see a list of lots that are in the pen on the right hand side, along with information about each pen/lot combination. If you select a lot, you will see information about the sublot itself in the list below. This is one of the few places where sublot information is exposed in Fusion and we do this so you can manually change the weight for animals over a time period to fix mistakes. This is explained more below.

If you Double-Click a pen, the Pen Edit window for the pen will open. If you Double-Click a lot, the Lot Edit window will open for the lot.

As you work with these lists, you can click column headers to sort the list by the different columns. You can also Right-Click any column header to find options for printing and exporting each list individually.

  • Location. Choose the location that you want to look at here.
  • Date. By default, this window looks at information as it currently is. If you change this date, Fusion will show the information as it was at the end of the day on the entered date.
  • Only Show Pens With Animals In Them On This Date. With this option on, Fusion will only list non-empty pens. If you want the empty pens to also be shown, uncheck this option.
  • Highlight pens with more than this many lots. Fusion will show pens in red if they have more lots than this number in them. So, if this field is set to 1, Fusion will highlight in red any pen that has two or more lots in it. If you change this number, Fusion will remember that the next time the window is opened.
  • Compare…. Click this button to have Fusion open another copy of this window. You can place them side by side for comparisons (across dates, for example) or simply to work on different things at the same time.
  • Refresh. As you or other people make moves and create in and out cohorts, the information in this page is not automatically updated. Click this button if you want Fusion to get the latest information from the server.


To generate a report based on the lots in the list (and their current order), click the Report… button. Choose Print Report to send the report to the printer or Copy Report To Clipboard to put it in your clipboard where you can easily paste it into a spreadsheet.

The report will print each lot and, for each lot, the pens that it is in, in the same order you currently have them listed in the window.

Changing Weights

On rare occasions you may need to go back and change the historical weights of a pen. There are two ways of doing this, depending on the situation. If you only need to change the weight for one or two days for a pen, you can do the following:

  1. Enter the date for the weight change in the Date field.
  2. Select the pen you want to change the weight of.
  3. Select the lot within the pen you want the weight change for.
  4. Double-Click the weight in the Weight column of the sublot list.
  5. Enter the correct weight for the pen/lot combination on this date and click OK.
  6. Repeat for each date you want to change.

The other situation is if you know a weight in the past was wrong and you want to change it and have Fusion recalculate subsequent days automatically. For example, if someone created an in cohort where the weight was way off and the correction didn't happen within the first few days you may want to follow these steps:

  1. Enter the date for the first weight change.
  2. Right-Click the pen you want to change and choose Recalculate Weights for Pen … from the menu.
  3. The Recalculate Pen Weight window will appear which will help you determine which days to have Fusion recalculate weights for. See Recalculate Pen Weight Window.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Core → Pens → Pen's Lots List.

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