We run a email list for our customers that you can subscribe to. The email list is where we make announcements about new versions, policy changes, blog updates, and other such items. We strongly encourage at least one person at each feedlot to be subscribed so you don't miss out on important information as this is our main channel for communicating important items. The list can also be used to ask questions about Fusion or anything to do with feedlots and anyone subscribed to the list can answer. We welcome discussion about features currently in Fusion and feature requests as well.
To subscribe to the list, enter your email address in the Email Address field and then click the Request Subscribe button. If you have changed email addresses, you should also unsubscribe the old one by entering it in the Email Address field and clicking the Request Unsubscribe button.
In either case, the request is usually taken care of within about 24 hours. You may get an email asking you to confirm the change.
The address to use to email something to the list is customers_ssgfusion@googlegroups.com. You can click on the address in this window to open your default email client and send a message to the list. Or, if you use a web email client, click the Copy Address To Clipboard button to copy this address to the system clipboard. You can then paste it into the To field of you email client to send a message.
You can open this window by going to Fusion Core → Misc → Customer Email List.