Reconcile Window
When you are ready to reconcile scale tickets to their contracts, you will use this window which make reconciliation as simple as dragging and dropping scale tickets onto their associated contract.
During reconciliation, you will work with one commodity at a time. Optionally, you can work with one location and/or seller at at time as well. This can be useful if you have a very long list of items to reconcile and are having trouble locating them. You choose these options in the Constraints area and each time you change a constraint, the lists below will update immediately.
- Commodity. Choose the commodity you want to work with. Only scale tickets and contracts for this commodity will show in the lists below.
- Location. Choose a location to work with. Only scale tickets at this location will show in the Scale Tickets list. If you want to work with all locations, leave this set to All Locations.
- Seller. To narrow both lists to a certain seller, choose the seller from this list. Otherwise, leave this constraint set to All Sellers.
Scale Tickets List
As you work with the scale tickets, you can use the Show option to further filter the scale tickets you are looking at which may be helpful if you have lots of scale tickets.
- Only Unreconciled. The default option, Fusion only shows scale tickets that haven't yet been reconciled.
- All In Last 30 Days. Sometimes you need to see scale tickets that are already reconciled. For example, they may have been incorrectly reconciled and you need to see them to associate them with a different contract. This option will show all scale tickets from the last 30 days (that fit into the above constraints, of course).
- All In Last 6 Months. Likewise, this option shows all scale tickets from the last six months.
- All In Last Year. Likewise, this option shows all scale tickets from the last twelve months.
- All. Likewise, this option shows all scale tickets.
Contracts List
You can also further filter the Contracts using the Show button above that list.
- Open That Could Have Loads. Shows contracts that are still open and where the delivery range is such that loads could have already been delivered.
- All Open. Shows all open contracts, regardless of expected delivery dates.
- All In Last 30 Days. Shows all contracts, open or closed, where the expected delivery dates fall within the last month.
- All In Last 6 Months. Shows all contracts, open or closed, where the expected delivery dates fall within the last six months.
- All In Last Year. Shows all contracts, open or closed, where the expected delivery dates fall within the last year.
- All. Shows all contracts, whether open or closed.
Double-Clicking a scale ticket or contract in either list will open the appropriate Scale Ticket Edit or Contract Edit windows. |
If you have a large enough monitor, you will find it easier to resize the window and use the vertical splitter between the lists so that you can see all the information in both lists without horizontally scrolling. |
To reconcile, simply drag a scale ticket from the Scale Tickets list and drop it onto the correct contract in the Contracts list. Fusion will make sure the sellers match before allowing the drop to work.
If you are showing scale tickets that have already been reconciled, you can drag one of them onto another contract to change which contract it is associated with.
Getting Here
You can open this window by going to .