When you select animals in the Animal List window and choose an option from the NLIS menu button, an appropriate window will appear so you can enter the information you need for Fusion to communicate with NLIS about the selected animals. This topic discusses these windows. Also see the NLIS section of Preferences Window.
This window is used to transfer cattle from a producer into your feedlot. A warning will be displayed on this window if you have selected animals with different in dates since you would not normally submit them in the same batch.
When you are ready, click the Submit To NLIS button and Fusion will send the data to the NLIS database. Or click the Cancel button if you change your mind.
This window is used to transfer cattle from your feedlot elsewhere. A warning will be displayed on this window if you have selected animals with different out dates since you would not normally submit them in the same batch.
When you are ready, click the Submit To NLIS button and Fusion will send the data to the NLIS database. Or click the Cancel button if you change your mind.
This window is used to let NLIS know about a dead animal. A warning will be displayed on this window if you have selected animals with different out (death) dates since you would not normally submit them in the same batch.
When you are ready, click the Submit To NLIS button and Fusion will send the data to the NLIS database. Or click the Cancel button if you change your mind.
When you submit any data to NLIS, Fusion sends the appropriate information and then waits for a response. NLIS processes the data and then returns a result. If any errors were reported, Fusion will show an error message and list each animal with individual error messages so you can deal with them as appropriate.
When the errors are showing, you can click the Copy button to copy the error information to the system clipboard. You could then paste it into a spreadsheet or email, for example.
Note that when you are dealing with errors at this point, you will normally have to use the NLIS website to fix any issues.