This window is where you can view all the documentation regarding Fusion. Most windows in Fusion will have a button in them. When you click that button, this window will be opened with the help topic that pertains to that window selected. If you hold the Alt (Option on Mac) key down when you click a
button, a second instance of the Fusion Documentation window will be opened. This way you can have more than one documentation window open at a time.
You can also open this window by clicking the Documentation button in the Task Bar window or by clicking the button in the Fusion Chuteside Main Menu and Fusion Truck Main Menu windows at chuteside and in the truck.
The documentation is organized into sections and subsections. Most of the sections equate to one of the main areas or menu bars in Fusion (Fusion Admin, Fusion Core, etc.) and the subsection equate to the functionality available under each menu item. This makes it fairly easy to find most topics once you are familiar with the menu system in Fusion.
We would like to draw particular attention to the Fusion Basics section. The topics in this section cover higher level concepts that are important to understand when interacting with Fusion. It also includes information on how to use objects that are used throughout Fusion which will make tasks faster and more efficient once you know them. Finally, this section covers topics that don't fit anywhere else such as information on upgrading Fusion and using Fusion Server. We strongly recommend the topics in this section.
Click the disclosure triangles () next to a topic or subtopic to view its contents. To expand every topic, click the
button and choose Expand All Items. To collapse them all, choose Collapse All Items from the
button. To view a topic, select it in the list.
Most topics include links to other topics. As you follow these links or manually select topics, Fusion remembers them in the same way a web browser would. You can use the arrow buttons at the top to navigate back and forth through your topic history. You can also Right-Click on a navigation arrow to get a menu showing your history so you can select a topic at any point in your history.
Another way to find a topic is to use the search field. Enter a word or phrase and Fusion will show just the topics with that exact string.
Fusion does not have built in support for searching within a topic. One way around this is to open the topic in your system's web browser (click the button) and then use your browser's search functionality to find what you're looking for.
The content of some of topics is a video. Video files are hosted on our website and are not included in the local documentation files since they would be to large of files. This means that you will need an internet connection to properly view these topics.
You can tell whether a topic is a video topic by looking at the icon in the Type column. |
The videos should play with most modern, up-to-date browsers. If you are having trouble viewing a video, you may need to update your system's browser even though the video is actually playing in Fusion. If you are still having trouble, you can also try opening the video topic in your system browser by clicking the button or by viewing the same topic directly from our website.
Fusion does not have built in support for printing a topic, but if you need to do this, click the button to open the selected topic in your system's browser and print it from there.
If you want to open another documentation window, click the button and choose Open Another Window. Then you can view multiple topics at the same time.
All of the help available in this window is also available on our website on the Fusion Documentation page so you can always view it even if Fusion isn't working. You can always get to the home page of our website by clicking the button and choosing Open Fusion Feedlot Insights Website.
Note that the website will have documentation for the latest version of Fusion. If you are running an older version, the documentation in this window may be different from the website. We would encourage you to upgrade.
If you encounter errors in the documentation or if you have ideas that would make it better, please send us some quick feedback so we can increase the quality of the documentation. You can do this by clicking the button and choosing Send Documentation Feedback. You can then enter a message which, along with the title of the topic you have selected, will be emailed to us. We appreciate your feedback.