Advanced Print Definition Window

This window is where you create column-type reports which can be printed or exported. A report definition is like a template which defines which columns will be printed in a report as well as the overall look of the report.


  • Definition Label. Use this field to give the report definition a name. The name must be unique among all reports from the list we are printing for. This is also the name you will use when choosing this report from other areas of Fusion.
  • Ruler Units. As you work on the report definition there are several areas where you can change the dimensions of something. For example, you can change the width of a column. Internally, Fusion remembers each value in pixels, but you can change how these values are displayed with this field.

Measurement Fields

Several places in this window allow you to change a measurement. For example, the width of a column. When the cursor is in one of these fields you can enter a number directly, but there are also some shortcuts you can use. If you type the Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow key, the field will increment or decrement the value by the equivalent of one pixel. If you hold the Shift key down while pressing either arrow key, the field will increment or decrement by the equivalent of ten pixels. This can be a faster way to zero in on a certain measurement.

If you directly enter a measurement, you may notice that Fusion sometimes changes it slightly. For example, if you are using inches and try to enter 0.9, Fusion will change it to 0.903. This is because Fusion works with pixels internally at a resolution of 72 pixels per inch and pixels can't be fractional. 0.9 x 72 = 64.8 pixels which rounds to 65 pixels which equals 0.903 inches.

Field Selection Tab

Generally the first thing you do when creating a new report is to decide what information you want included in the report. Since advanced print reports are column-type reports, this means choosing which columns (or fields) will be included. In this tab the list of columns in the report are shown on the left and the available fields are shown on the right.

To add a column, Double-Click it in the Available Fields list. It will become the last column in the report. You can also drag an available field to any position within the report columns to add it. Finally, you can select multiple available fields and click the Add Selected button to add several fields at the same time. Note that it is possible to add the same column multiple times if you like.

If the list of fields to choose from is long, use the search field above the list to enter any part of the field name you remember. This will quickly shorten the list.

Notice that as you add columns Fusion shows the total column count below the report columns list. It also shows the total width of the columns so you can make sure they will all fit on the page. (The total width updates as you change the width of individual columns as well.) Also, notice that the Width column shows the width of each column in the report.

If you want to rearrange the order the columns will print on the report, drag and drop the fields within the list. The first field in the list will print on the left side of the report. The second field will print to the right of it, and so on.

To remove a column from the report, select it and click the - button.

Field Options Tab

There are several options you can choose from for each column in this tab. To make a change, select the report column in the list on the left and then make the changes you want.

  • Header Label. You can enter a different label for the column header here. You can also use the insert var button to insert a variable as part of the label. Put the cursor where you want to insert the variable and then click the insert var button and choose a variable. When the report actually runs, the placeholder will be replaced with the contents of the variable (see Saved Variables Window.)
  • Column Width. Use this field to change the width of the column.
  • Date Format. If the column being printed is a date, you can use this field to choose the format Fusion will use when printing the date.
  • Count. If this option is turned on, Fusion will include a footer that shows the count of items printed.
  • Sum. If this option is turned on, Fusion will include a footer that shows the sum of this column. It only works for numeric type columns.
  • Average. If this option is turned on, Fusion will include a footer that shows the average of this column. It only works for numeric type columns.
  • Minimum. If this option is turned on, Fusion will include a footer that shows the lowest value of this column. It only works for numeric type columns.
  • Maximum. If this option is turned on, Fusion will include a footer that shows the highest value of this column. It only works for numeric type columns.
  • Standard Deviation. If this option is turned on, Fusion will include a footer that shows the standard deviation (population) of this column. It only works for numeric type columns.
  • Variance. If this option is turned on, Fusion will include a footer that shows the variance of this column. It only works for numeric type columns.
  • Weighted Average Based On. If you want to show an average that is weighted on another column, turn this option on and then choose the column to base the weighting on. (This column must be included in the report). For example, if you were print a lot based report and you wanted the average current weight but with taking the head count of each lot into account, you would turn this option on for the current weight column and then choose the current count column in the pop up field.
See the Page Setup Tab section below for information on how to determine which column the footer labels will be printed in.

Setting Saved Variables

The next section in the Field Options tab is used to affect saved variables. You can have Fusion set a saved variable to the value of this column each time it prints a body, subtotal, and/or footer row. This can be useful when you are using inline reports with associated saved searches where you want to dynamically constrain the inline report data based on the value of columns in the parent report.

Here is an example. Let's say you wanted to know the percentage of a certain drug each lot used relative to drug usage across the entire feedlot in the same timeframe as the lot was open. One of the values you will need in this calculation is the total units of this drug used in the feedlot during the time the lot was open and this will be different for each lot printed. To get this value you would need to set up an inline report that grabbed the sum of units used for that drug and pulled it back to the parent report for use in a calculated column. And the inline report would need a saved search so it only looked for drug usage between two dates. You could define two saved variables, one for the start date and one for the end date and use these saved variables in the saved search. The, and this is where the magic occurs, you could instruct Fusion to set these two saved variables based on a lot's first in date and last out date each time it printed a lot record in the report. Having just set this from the lot that is printing, the saved search for the inline report will then use these dates when it looks for the drug usage.

  • Body rows. If you want a saved variable to be set to the value of this column each time a body row prints, choose the saved variable here.
  • Subtotal rows. If you want a saved variable to be set to the value of this column each time a subtotal row prints, choose the saved variable here.
  • Footer rows. If you want a saved variable to be set to the value of this column each time a footer row prints, choose the saved variable here.

Note that you can only choose saved variables that match the type of the report column. For example, for date type report columns, only saved variables of type Date will be available to choose.

Field Width Test Area

This section helps take the guess work out of figuring out the ideal column width. The two red vertical lines represent the current column's width. The sample text will be in the same font (including style and size) as it will actually print. If you click on the sample text it will become editable so you can enter anything you like. We recommend that you enter some sample data typical of the selected report column or that would represent the longest value in the report column. Now, when you change the Column Width field, the red vertical lines will move so you can see how wide you need to make the column so the content fits.

Break Levels Tab

You can create break levels in your reports and optionally have Fusion calculate subtotals for each break level. To do this, you tell Fusion which column to break on. It will then watch the value in this column as it prints each body row and each time it changes it will stop printing and, if you have requested, print a subtotal row before continuing. One common use for this feature is to print a report that prints a subtotal for each of your locations and then a grand total (footer) at the end.

Break levels will not work correctly unless the list has been sorted correctly! Fusion needs to be sorting the list on each report column the report is breaking on, and in the same order. We recommend using a saved sort to make sure this is done correctly before running a report.

To add a break level, either Double-Click a report column in the list on the left or drag and drop the report column you want to break on into the break level list on the right. The break level order is important so you can drag and drop the break levels to change the order if you need. (To remove a break level, select it and click the - button.)

Below the break level list area are a few options you can apply to each break level. Select a break level and then make the desired changes.

  • Hide Repeated Values For This Level. With this option on, Fusion won't print the same value over and over in the column. It only prints it once each time it changes. This option is often used to help the report look cleaner as it is more obvious to the eyes when a new group of information starts.
  • Calculate Subtotals For This Level. If this option is turned on, Fusion will calculate and print a subtotal line after this column breaks each time. The subtotals that print are based on the footers that are turned on in the Field Options tab.
  • Place subtotal labels in column. If you are printing subtotals, you can choose which column the subtotal labels are printed. If you only have one break level with simple subtotals, you probably don't need to change this. But if you are doing more complex reporting, you may want to change the column the labels are printed in for each break level to help the report flow better visually.

Calculated Columns Tab

So far the only possible report columns we have discussed come from the Available Fields list. Now we introduce another type of column you can add called a calculated column. Calculated columns are similar to normal report columns (you can change their field options, add them as a break level, change their look, etc.), but their value is calculated on the fly for each cell based on the columns formula which is somewhat similar to creating a spreadsheet formula.

Creating a Calculated Column

To create a calculated column, click the Create A New Calculated Column button. The column will be added to the report column list. As with other columns, you can drag and drop it into a new position if you like. Don't forget to go to the Field Options tab and give the column a label!

There are five types of values that can be part of a formula:

  • A Literal. You can enter a number directly as part of the formula. You can also enter a date as part of the formula. A date literal must be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD surrounded by exclamation marks. Ex. !2020-12-25!
  • A Field. Click the Field… button to choose from a list of available fields. After choosing a field, it will be represented in the formula by an "F" followed by a number. (F1, F2, F3, etc.) You can see which field the "F" representation refers to by looking in the field list at the bottom of the window.
  • An Inline Value. Click the Inline Value… button to choose a report column from an inline report. You must have previously set up an inline report, added it to the Inline Reports tab, and specified that it be used for calculated columns. This powerful feature lets you pull in data from other lists (including footer data) to be used in a calculation in the parent list. Inline values are represented by an "L" followed by a number in a similar manner to fields. The field list below will show the list name and the report column within the list that the "L" value refers to.
  • A Variable. Click the Variable… button to choose from a couple standard variables as well as any saved variables you have set up. They will be included in the report with double less-than/greater-than signs surrounding them. Note that if you choose a date type variable, you will be given the choice of how to format the date. If the date is actually part of the formula (i.e. you can to subtract or add to it), you must choose the !YYYY-MM-DD! Internal Format format for it to work.
  • A Function. Click the Function… button to insert one of the predefined functions which are described in more detail below.

Calculated Column Functions

The possible functions that can be inserted into a calculated column formula are:

  • PREV. This function will work with any field (but not a variable or inline value). It simply returns the value of the field from the previous row. For example, if you were printing a list of weights for each day in a lot's life, you could use the formula Weight - PREV(Weight) to print each day's weight gain. This function only works with fields as a parameter.
  • DayNumInYear. Returns the day number within the year (ie. 1-366) for the date. This function only works with date literals, date fields, or date variables as a parameter.
  • DayNumSince2000. Returns the number of days from January 1, 2000 until the date. This function only works with date literals, date fields, or date variables as a parameter.
  • WeekNumInYear. Returns the week number within the year (ie. 1-53) for a date. This function only works with date literals, date fields, or date variables as a parameter.
  • WeekNumSince2000. Returns the week number from January 1, 2000 for the date. This function only works with date literals, date fields, or date variables as a parameter.
  • MonthNumInYear. Returns the month number within the year (ie. 1-12) for a date. This function only works with date literals, date fields, or date variables as a parameter.
  • MonthNumSince2000. Returns the month number from January 1, 2000 for the date. This function only works with date literals, date fields, or date variables as a parameter.
  • YearNum. Returns the year number (ie. 2016) for a date. This function only works with date literals, date fields, or date variables as a parameter.
  • DateFromDaysSince2000. This function is reciprocal of the DayNumSince2000 function. It expects a number literal, number field, or number variables as a parameter and will return a date that is that many days from January 1, 2000.
  • DateFromWeeksSince2000. This function is reciprocal of the WeekNumSince2000 function. It expects a number literal, number field, or number variables as a parameter and will return a date that is that many weeks from January 1, 2000. Note that it follows the ISO-8601 standard where Thursday's are considered the first of the week for the purpose of determining week number in a year, so the date returned will always be a Thursday. This ensures it matches with WeekNumSince2000.
  • DateFromMonthsSince2000. This function is reciprocal of the MonthNumSince2000 function. It expects a number literal, number field, or number variables as a parameter and will return a date that is that many months from January 1, 2000. The date returned will always be the first day of the month.

The date related functions basically allow you to put day or week numbers on a date which you can then use for comparison or calculating the difference between two dates. Use the "Since2000" variations to get a number that is useful when the dates you are interested in might span multiple years. The last three functions are the reciprocal of the other "Since2000" functions.

When working with dates in a formula, you can do things like Last Date - First Date which will return a number representing the number of days in between the two dates. You can also add or subtract days from a date (ex. Date - 15) which will return a new date.

A simple example would be to calculate the average daily weight gain between two implants. In this example, assume that F1 is the first weight, F2 the second weight, F3 the first date, and F4 the second date. The formula would then be: (F2-F1)/(DayNumSince2000(F4)-DayNumSince2000(F3)).

Formula Examples

Here are a couple example formulas to help you get the idea. Let's say you were printing a list of lots with their current count and weight and you wanted to see the total weight of all the lots. You would create a calculated column labeled something like Total Weight and then create a formula like this: F1 * F2 (assuming that you first choose the current count field which Fusion represented by F1 and then, after entering  *  you choose the current weight field which Fusion represented with F2.) If you turned on the Sum footer in the Field Options tab for this calculated column, you would also get the total weight of all the lots at the end of the report.

We'll build on the last example and add another calculated column to show the total dollar value for each lot. Let's say we have created a saved variable called Market Price which we can use to play with different pricing scenarios. In the new calculated column we want to multiply the Total Weight column (which is a calculated column itself—they can be used in other calculated column formulas) by the Market Price saved variable. So we would insert the Total Weight field (let's assume Fusion represents it as F1) and use the Variable… button to insert the Market Price saved variable. After finishing the formula it should look like this: F1 * <<Market Price>>.

If you just want to display a value from an inline report (such as the sum of a column), insert it into a calculated column as shown above but leave it as the only part of the formula. So if the inline report column value was represented by L1, the entire formula would simply be L1. This is still a valid formula.

Result Options

The formula determines how Fusion comes up the value going into the cell and this area determines how the value will look and be used.

  • Type. Currently, Fusion expects the formula to either result in a number (normal for most calculations), a date, or to simply be text and you should let it know what to expect with this field. For example, if the formula is performing a math function, it will return a number. If it is performing a date function, it will return a date. For pretty much anything else, you should change it to Text.
  • Format. If the result is a number, you can use this field to specify whether you want a thousands separator to be used if the resulting value is more than 999.
  • Rounding. If the result is a number, use this field to tell Fusion how to round the result.
  • Prepend. If the result is a number, you can have Fusion add the content of this field before it prints the number. One common usage is to put a dollar sign in this field so Fusion precedes the number with a dollar sign for dollar values.
  • Append. Similarly, you can have Fusion add the content of this field after the number is printed. One possible use for dollar type values would be to add "CDN" to specify Canadian currency, for example.

Field Reference Area

As previously mentioned, each time you insert a field or inline value into the formula, Fusion adds it to this list with a unique reference. It then uses the reference inside the formula. This makes the formula shorter and easier to read. If you forget what a reference is to, you can look it up in this list. To add the same field to the formula again, place the cursor where you want to add it in the formula and Double-Click the field in this list.

Formula Note

This field can be used to help you remember how the formula works or to store any other kind of note that pertains to the formula. It can only be viewed here.

Inline Reports Tab

An inline report is simply a way of pulling data from other lists to print with the main report. For example, when printing a report from the Lot Center window, you could inline a report from the In Cohort List window. The result would be that a list of associated in cohorts would print after each lot in the report. This can be a very powerful way of combining information for several areas of Fusion into the same report. We encourage you to watch the Inline Report Concept video to better understand this concept. (We also encourage you to become comfortable using child windows—see List Windows—which use the same internal mechanisms for displaying data. The only difference is that child windows show the related data on screen while inline reports show during a report.)

As explained in the Inline Report Concept video, there actually two ways to use an inline report. First, an inline report can be printed after each row of a parent report. So Fusion is essentially printing the main part of a whole other report after it prints each row of the main report. Second, an inline report can be used to pull one value from another list to be printed in it's own column or to be used in a calculation of a column in the main report. In this case you will choose which column of the inline report you want the value to come from and Fusion will use the last value printed in that column whether it is a body row or a footer row.

You can add as many inline reports to a parent report as you want. For example, you could inline an in cohort report, an out cohort report, and an animal report after each other in a lot report. An inline report can also have its own inline reports. This can continue up to 25 levels deep.

When you add an inline report, you will also specify some additional information so Fusion knows what information to return from the inlined list and what it should look like. This includes specifying a saved search and sort for the inline report. A little more explanation about what happens with these options may be helpful.

Let's imagine you want to print a report from the Lot Center window for several lots. Under each lot you want to print a list of animals that have a withdrawal. Each time Fusion prints a lot row, it will then print the animal list under it. By default, Fusion looks at all the animals that belong to the lot which means that all the animals in the lot would print. Since we only want the animals that have withdrawals, we need a way of telling Fusion to search within the lot's animals for those with a withdrawal date greater than or equal to the current date. The way to accomplish this is to create a saved search for the Animal List window with that search criteria. Then, when you add this inline report to the Lot Center window report, you will tell Fusion to use the saved search as well. Now when Fusion runs the report, after each lot it will get a list of all animals that belong to that lot and then it will apply the search criteria in the saved search, further reducing the animal list to those with withdrawals.

To add an inline report, click the + button and choose which list window the report will come from. It will then be added to the Inline Report list. The first column in this list (CC) indicates whether the purpose of the inline list is for a calculated column or not. The ramifications of this are explained more below. The second column is not labeled, but each inline report is given a number. It is possible to add the same list window as an inline report multiple times, each for a different purpose, so Fusion assigns a number to each one so that when it is referred to in other places you will know which instance is being referred to.

Non-calculated column inline reports will print in the same order they appear in this list and you can drag and drop them within the list to change their order. To remove an inline list, select it and click the - button.

When you select an inline report, you can change its options on the right:

  • Usage Is For Calculated Column Values. If you want the inline report to printed as is after each parent report row, leave this option turned off. However, turn it on if the purpose of this inline report is to make its values available as part of calculated columns. In that case, the report will not print, but the values from the report can be used in calculated columns. Remember that the last value in a column that would have printed is the one returned for use in the calculated columns so the rest of the options (sorting, whether footers print, etc.) are still applicable when this option is turned on.
  • Link Type. Most lists link to other lists in an obvious way. For example, a lot would link to the in cohort list by simply including all in cohorts that belong to the lot. However, some lists have multiple ways of linking. A lot could link to the contacts list through either the cattle buyer or originating herd field. This field is used to determine how the link will be set up.
  • Advanced Search. This field is used to choose a saved search that will be applied to the inline report list after the initial link is set up. The saved search must have been set up previously.
  • Advanced Sort. Use this field to choose a saved sort that will sort the inline report list. The saved sort must have been set up previously.
  • Advanced Print. Use this field to choose the saved report that will be used when running the inline report. It must have been set up previously. When an inline report is printed inside a parent report, any settings regarding the main headers and things outside the body of the report itself are ignored. However, the column to print and what they look like are taken into account. Also, the Table Justification and Also move horizontally options from the Page Setup tab are taken into account which makes it possible to horizontally offset an inline report from the left edge of the parent report which can make the overall report easier to read.
  • Include Header Row. Turn this option off if you don't want Fusion to print the header row of the inline report.
  • Include Body Rows (and inline reports, in any). Turn this option off if you don't want Fusion to print the body rows of the inline report. This affects and inline reports the inline report may have. This is especially useful if all you want printed is some summary information from the inline report.
  • Include Subtotal Rows. Turn this option off if you don't want Fusion to include subtotal rows from the inline report.
  • Include Footer Rows. Turn this option off if you don't want Fusion to include footer rows from the inline report.

Learning how to use inline reports usually boils down to playing around with them for a while. We encourage this as mastery of this feature can unlock a wealth of reporting possibilities in Fusion.

Page Setup Tab

This tab contains settings that affect the look of the entire report.

Page Margins

Use these fields to change the size of the page margin on each side of the page. Note that many printers cannot actually print right to the edge of paper, so this needs to be taken into account.

Cell Padding

These fields refer to the amount of space Fusion will place between the edge of a cell and the text within a cell. You can reduce these values to build a tighter report if you are having trouble fitting everything on a page, but it can also get harder to read.

Report Header

These fields refer to the headers that will be printed on the first page of this report. These headers are always printed in a box at the beginning of a report. If you have added your company logo in the Preferences window, it will print on the left side of this box. Your company address will print on the right side of the box. These headers will print in the middle.

The Top header will print in the largest type at the top. The Middle will print in smaller type in the middle, and the Bottom header will print in even smaller type at the bottom of the box. (The date and time of printing are always included just below this box.)

You can enter anything you want in a report header including a variable. To insert a variable, place the cursor in the correct spot in the field and then click the insert var button next to it. You can then choose from some built in variables as well as all your saved variables.

If the headers might change a bit each time you run the report, make sure the Override Page Headers option in the Report tab is turned on. See further down in this topic for more information on what this does.

Subsequent Page Header

These fields work very similar to the report header fields just described. The difference is that they print on every page starting with the second page. They will print in a small font size at the left, middle, and right at the top of each page. Inserting variables works the same way as well. There is an additional variable that can be added for the page number—use ## for this.

Default Page Orientation

Use this field to determine if the report should be printed in Portrait or Landscape (sideways) mode. When the report is actually run, you will have the choice of overriding this option in the print setup windows.

Table Settings

  • Place footer labels in column. When Fusion prints footer rows, it will print one row for each type of footer (sum, average, etc.) By default, Fusion prints the footer label (Sum, Average, etc.) in the first column. If you prefer to print these labels in a different column, set the correct column here.
  • Table Justification. The main part of the report is just a big table which usually prints on the left side of the page. You can have Fusion center the report or print it on the right side if you prefer with this option.
  • Also move horizontally. Whether the table is on the left or right side, or centered, you can ask Fusion to offset it horizontally a certain distance. This is helpful if you need it to line up a certain way on the paper or if it is an inline report that you want pushed to the right a bit to make it easier to read. If you enter a positive value the table will be pushed to the right. A negative value will push it to the left. The value should be in the same units as specified in the Ruler Units field.
  • Columns. If you are trying to save space and the entire report width is less than half the page, you can have Fusion flow the report into "columns". For example, if you specified two columns here, all the report columns would be printed on the left of the page and then again on the right of the page, essentially placing two pages worth of data on one page.
  • Width Between. If you are using more than one major "column", this is where you specify the amount of horizontal space between them.

Advanced Setup Tab

Fusion has a default way of printing these reports and it is often simplest to just left Fusion handle the look. However, if you print a report often you may want to pretty it up a bit. This tab makes it so you can change colors, fonts, and many other settings affecting the look of the report.

To take over the look of the report, turn the Use Advanced Setup Settings option. When you do this, you become responsible for the entire look of the report. If you later turn it back off, Fusion will take over the look of the report, but your settings will not be lost so you can turn it back on again.

To make a setting change, first select the report column you want to affect and then make sure the correct type of row is selected in the tabs list. For example, if you want to change the font used in a column header, make sure that column is selected and that you are working in the Header Row tab.

If you select multiple report columns, any changes you make will be applied to all of them so you can make changes much faster. (When multiple columns are selected, the settings area will shows the settings for the first report column in the selection.)

The following fields apply to the header rows, body rows, subtotal rows, and footer rows:

  • Font. Choose the font the text in this cell will print in. Note that if you choose a font that is not available on another computer where the report will print from, Fusion will print with the default font on that computer instead, so try to choose fonts you know are available on all computers the report will be printed from. The default is Arial
  • Size. The size, in points of the font. The default is 7.
  • Style. Turn on any of these options (Bold, Underline, Italics) to stylize the text in this cell.
  • Color. Click the color to bring up the color picker where you can choose the color the text will print in. Of course, this requires a color printer or that you print to a PDF for this to make sense.
  • Horizontal Justification. Use this setting to tell Fusion how to place the text horizontally in the cell.
  • Vertical Justification. Use this setting to tell Fusion how to place the text vertically in the cell. If all the cells in a row are the same height, this may not matter, but if some cells must grow vertically to print all their content, it may be important to change this setting for the other cells so it looks the way you want.
  • Right Line Type. This refers to the right border of the cell. You can choose what kind of line to use (if any) as the border.
  • Right Line Color. If you are using a line for the right border of the cell, use this field to determine its color.
  • Top Line Type. This refers to the top border of the cell. You can choose what kind of line to use (if any) as the border.
  • Top Line Color. If you are using a line for the top border of the cell, use this field to determine its color.
  • Bottom Line Type. This refers to the bottom border of the cell. You can choose what kind of line to use (if any) as the border.
  • Bottom Line Color. If you are using a line for the bottom border of the cell, use this field to determine its color.
  • Background Color. By default, Fusion will not print a background for each cell which means that the paper will determine the color of the background. You can specify a particular color by turning this option on and then choosing a color.
  • Leftmost Border for the Entire Row. The type and color of the left most border of the entire row is set here. You will notice that the above settings handle the top, right, and bottom borders of each cell. The left border of most cells is the same as the right border of the cell next to it, so we don't have a setting for the left border of a cell. However, this leaves left most column out of the equation. This setting can affect it. Note that changing this setting for a report column necessarily changes it for all other report columns. But it can be different for the header row, body rows, etc.

If you are dealing with columns in the Subtotal Rows tab, you will notice an additional field called Break Level. Fusion lets you change the look of each subtotal row separately, so when you are using this tab, first select the break level here and then make the font and other changes for the subtotal for that break level. Then choose another break level and make changes for it, and so on for each break level.

The Last Line tab has some extra options that affect the bottom border of cells when they are the last row to print on a page. Sometimes you want this border to be different than for rows in the middle of a page. These settings can still be set individually for each report column:

  • Bottom Line Type. Refers to the bottom border of the cell if it is part of the last row to print on a page. This setting overrides the normal bottom border for this cell in this case.
  • Bottom Line Color. Use this to change the line color of the bottom border in this case.
  • Also Apply Last Line Setting To End of Report. The above settings apply to the last row of a page, but if you want them to also apply to the last row of the entire report (which may not be at the bottom of a page), turn this setting on.

Report Tab

These settings are general to the entire report and determine how Fusion treats the report in other areas in Fusion.

Report Type

  • Report Type. You can designate this report as a Parent, Inline, or Both. If designated as an inline report, the report can only be used as inline reports in other reports and cannot be used in the Advanced Print Center window. Marking inline reports as such reduces clutter in other lists. If you designate a report as a parent or both, it can be used for any purpose.
  • Include In Advanced Print Center Window. If this option is turned on, the report will be available in the Advanced Print Center window. Make sure you have the proper saved sort and search associations set up below if you do this so that it prints the way you expect from the Advanced Print Center window.

Default Print Information

When you select a report in the Advanced Print window, there are several options available in that window that determine how the report will print. Those options are reflected here as well and the initial setting for each one in the Advanced Print window is determined by these settings. By taking the time to set these up in the ideal way for this report, you will save time by not have to change them in the Advanced Print window each time.

  • Include Header Row. Determines whether the header row will print when the report is run.
  • Include Body Rows. Determines whether the body rows will print when the report is run.
  • Include Inline Reports. Determines whether inline reports will print when the report is run. (Inline reports used in calculated columns are not affected by this setting.)
  • Include Subtotal Rows. Determines whether the subtotal rows will print when the report is run.
  • Include Footer Rows. Determines whether the footer row will print when the report is run.
  • Override Page Headers. If this option is turned on, when Fusion goes to run a report it will show you a dialog where you can change the report headers for that instance of the report. If you will need to change the report headers each time, it is a good idea to leave this on. But if the report headers will never change, you should turn this option off. This will save you a step each time you run a report.

Associations (Used When Printing From Print Center)

When you run a report from the Advanced Print Center window, the idea is that it automatically knows what data to include, how to sort it, and then print it immediately. For that to work, you need to tell Fusion what saved search and sort to use just before running the report. This is where you do that.

  • Saved Sort. Fusion will sort the data with this saved sort when running the report from the Advanced Print Center window.
  • Saved Search. Fusion will figure out what data to include based on this saved search when running the report from the Advanced Print Center window.

Report Notes

This is a good place to describe any steps that need to be done before running a report. It is also a good place to describe the report and when it can be used. This note will show up in the Advanced Print and Advanced Print Center windows when the report is selected.

Getting Here

You open this window by creating or editing a report from the Advanced Print window, the Advanced List Management window, or the Print Center window.

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