Since Fusion 3.1, Fusion Truck keeps a fairly extensive audit trail of the activity of the truck. The following information is kept track of for any moment in time:
In addition, Fusion keeps track of when the most commonly used buttons are touched, when common field values are changed, when most windows are opened, when syncs are attempted, and when any alert is shown to the user. If there is ever a discrepancy, you can open the Truck Activity Playback window and see what was happening near the time the discrepancy occurred. Data that is always changing (weight, position, etc.) are recorded once every second throughout the day.
This information is stored in the truck and sent back to the server on each sync. Thus you can see a truck's activity at any point in time including up to the last sync that was performed. The system is designed such that if Fusion Truck crashes, the most activity data you might lose will be 60 seconds worth.
Activity audit trails are stored separately for each day and each truck. To see an activity trail, enter the date you are interested in in the Date field. Then you can choose the truck you are interested in using the Truck field. Normally this field will show a list of trucks based on the name you have given them in the Truck Edit window. However, if two computers are pretending to be the same truck, this list will show the truck name with the computer name appended to it. This is the computer name you set up in the Physical Computer Management window.
Once a date and truck have been selected, Fusion loads the activity trail into the timeline. The timeline lists the major actions that were recorded throughout the day. It does not show every second where something (weight, position, etc.) was recorded. Usually you will be using this window with a known time in mind. For example, you might see a problem load in the Daily Feed Detail window. If you know the load was created at 10:15 a.m., you will want to scroll through the timeline until about 10:15 a.m.
You can also search through the list using the search object. When you initiate a search it will search from the currently selected row so make sure the first row is selected if you want to search the whole list. After a row is found, you can click the Find Next button (or type Control-G (Command-G on Mac)) to have Fusion find the next occurrence in the list. The search will include the Time column so you can enter a specific time as well.
When you select an action in the timeline, the information on the right hand side updates to show the current status of the truck when the action occurred as well as more information about the action itself. Let's look at the status fields first:
Note that the ration, load, and blended status refer to the "saved" load on the truck. In other words, these values will not change to a new load until the new load has been saved. |
To the right of the status fields is a text field that shows more information depending on the type of action selected. For example, if the action is showing that a field value changed, the extra information will show which field the user changed, what the value was before they changed it, and what the new value was after they changed it. Another example is when the user is shown an alert dialog. The extra information will show what the alert dialog said, what buttons were available to click, which one the user clicked, and how long the window was open before they closed it.
Below the status fields is the map image. If you have a GPS device, this will show the map with the truck (represented by a pointed purple box) drawn on it and with the direction and speed information shown in the top left of the map. (If you don't have a GPS, or it wasn't working at that moment, the map will say "No Position Data"). Even if you don't have a GPS, the current time will be shown in the top right of the image, the current scale head and mode in the bottom right, and the weight on the truck in the bottom left. It is important to understand that the weights shown are exactly what the truck driver would have seen at that instant in time in the Scale Indicator window.
When Fusion Truck first launches, it automatically fires off a few actions to get the starting status for the day. You can see this by noticing the first few actions of a day. Also, you may not have position data until Fusion Truck has been running for a few seconds or minutes. |
While you can select different actions in the timeline list to see what was happening at that moment, it can be more helpful to play back a time segment. This can be done by clicking the button. By default, the status and map information will change once each second to reflect the status at that second. This will continue until you click the
button or until the timeline has reached the next visible action. You can modify how playback happens with the options at the bottom of the window.
The button offers the following options:
During playback, if you have location data, you can use the button to scale the image to an appropriate size. You can also use the
button to change the playback speed.
Please note that the activity audit trail contains a lot of data and it is collected on a fairly low level. One by product of this is that you may occasionally see duplicate actions. These can be ignored.
You can open this window by going to Fusion Admin → Utilities → Truck Activity Playback.