Computers Window

Fusion keeps track of each time someone logs into the system as well as when crashes occur. This window can be used for two purposes. First, you can figure out when someone logged in and logged out of Fusion. Second, you can get an idea of how often crashes occur and if there is a patter related to a certain computer.


This list shows a list of all computers that Fusion has been installed on at your feedlot. You can narrow down the list of computers using the constraint fields above the list.

  • Status. If you choose All, the list will display all computers that have ever had Fusion installed on them at your feedlot. Choose Current to see the computers that are currently active. If Fusion was launched on a computer in the last 30 days, it is considered current. Select Historical to only display non-current computers.
  • Application. Use this option to only display computers where Fusion Client, Fusion Truck, or Fusion Server run on it. Or leave it set to All to display any computer.
  • Recent Crash >=. If you are trying to look for crash patterns, you can enter a number here and Fusion will only display computers where Fusion has crashed this or more times in the last 30 days.
  • Recalculate Crashes. Fusion recalculates crash information each night. You can click this button to have Fusion do that now.

Most of the list columns are self-explanatory, but two are worth mentioning:

  • Last Checkin. When Fusion is running and logged in, it "checks in" with the server every few minutes. The last check in date and time are shown in this column.
  • First Use. This is the date and time Fusion was first launched on this computer. In some cases, it can give you an idea of how old the computer is.

When you select a computer (or computers) in this list, their launch history will be shown in the next list.

Launch History (for selected computers)

This list shows each time Fusion was launched for the selected computers. You can filter the list further using the constraint fields above the list.

  • OS Account. When Fusion is launched on a computer, Fusion also keeps track of the operating system account it was launched in. This is helpful if you have multiple people using the same computer with different accounts. Use this field to filter the list for operating system accounts that contain the characters you enter.
  • Date Range. You filter the list with just the launches that occurred between these two dates.
  • Status. Each launch record will have a status. Running means that as far as Fusion can tell, it is still running on that computer right now. Quit means that Fusion is not running and we know it was able to quit successfully. Crashed means that Fusion believes the launch must have ended in a crash at some point, either because it hasn't checked in for too long a time or because a crash report was later created. You can select any of these options to filter the list or leave it set to All to see any launch.

When you select one or more launches, the log in history that occurred during those launches will be shown in the list below.

Login History (for selected launches)

This list simply shows a record of each person that logged in, when Fusion last checked in while they were logged in, and when they logged out.

Crash Report (for selected launch history)

When Fusion is launched, it tried to detect if it must have crashed the last time it was running. If it was, it asks the user to fill in a simple crash report. If they are willing to do this, it is helpful when looking for patterns later on. When a Launch History record with a Crashed status is selected, the crash report the user entered will be shown here.

If you would like to add additional information about the crash, click the + button. You will be asked to enter more information which will be saved with the crash report.

Getting Here

You can open this window by going to Fusion Admin → Utilities → Computers.