Diagnosis Definition Edit Window

This window is where you make changes for a diagnosis definition and its associated treatment protocols. See Core Concepts for more information on diagnosis definitions and treatment protocols.

Diagnosis Tab

  • Diagnosis. This is where you enter the name of the diagnosis. When someone is treating an animal during a chuteside job, they will pick this name from a list of possible diagnoses.
  • Relapse Days. When an animal is given a certain diagnosis it is considered the first pull. If, in the future, the animal is given the same diagnosis again, it would normally be considered a second pull, then a third pull, and so on. This is useful when you want the treatment protocol to change based on the assumption that previous protocols obviously did not work. However, it may be that if sufficient time has passed it is just a normal recurrence and the original treatment protocol is sufficient. This field is used to determine how many days can go by between pulls before Fusion considers it a first pull again. So if a subsequent diagnosis is made, and if that diagnosis is made after more days than this since the first diagnosis was made, it will become a first pull. If less than that many days, Fusion will figure out what pull number it should be (the last pull number plus one).
  • Indicators. This is a note field where an explanation of what to look for when determining the diagnosis can be held. It can be shown during a chuteside job to help the person making the diagnosis.

Variation Setup Tab

If you are creating a new diagnosis definition, the next thing you need to do is specify which animal characteristics Fusion should care about when deciding what treatment protocol to recommend. This is done in the Variation Setup tab.

You don't have to use every characteristic for every diagnosis definition. In fact, the more you use the more possible treatment protocols there will be and you need to set each treatment protocol up. So just use the ones that are needed.

Some of the characteristics are defined by adding numbers to a list (Weight and Temp, for example). To see how this works, lets look at the Weight characteristic. By default, there is only one entry (0) in this list and the way Fusion would interpret this is "for an animal that is greater than or equal to 0 lbs" which, of course, would be all animals. So if a difference in weight doesn't affect the treatment for this diagnosis, we should leave it at the one entry. However, if we wanted to treat animals differently if they were under 600 lbs, between 600 and 800 lbs, and over 800 lbs, we would need to add two more entries to the list so that the list was 0, 600, 800. Fusion would then know that you needed three different treatment protocols—one for 0-599 lbs, one for 600-799 lbs, and one for any 800 lbs or more.

To add a new break for these types of characteristics, click the appropriate + button. To remove one, select it and click the - button. To change a value, Double-Click it in the list and enter the new value. Notice that Fusion will automatically reorder the values in the list if you enter a value that isn't in the right order.

If you have three weight breaks and two temp breaks defined here, Fusion will expect that you want to define six different treatment protocols—one for each combination (3 x 2 = 6). As you make changes in this tab, Fusion will show the number of treatment protocol variations you will need to define at the bottom left of the window.

  • Number of Pulls Defined. If you want to treat animals differently based on the pull number (how many times the animal has been diagnosed for the same illness), enter the highest number you care about here.
  • Use Cattle Type. If the cattle type of the animal matters, turn this option on. Note that the number of treatment protocols will be based on the number of cattle types you have defined. This is one reason you want to define your cattle type list well from the beginning. If you add or remove a cattle type later, you will have to rework any diagnosis definitions that rely on cattle type. Fusion will use the cattle type assigned to the individual animal when looking at this characteristic. If this hasn't been assigned, it will look at the cattle type for the animal's lot.
  • Weight. Enter as many weight breaks (if any) you need as described above. The weight comes from the scale weight while the animal is standing in the squeeze. If that isn't available, Fusion will use the animal's lot average weight.
  • Temp. Enter as many temperature breaks (if any) you need as described above. You can tell Fusion the temperature of the animal manually or using a probe during a chuteside job.
  • Days on Feed. Enter as many days on feed breaks (if any) you need as described above. Fusion calculates an animal's days on feed based on its in date.
  • Days to Slaughter. Enter as many days to slaughter breaks (if any) you need as described above. Fusion will use an animal's estimated slaughter date if it is available. Otherwise, it will look at the estimated slaughter date for the animal's lot.
  • Use…for Whisper lung score. If you want to use the lung score from a Whisper Veterinary Stethoscope you can do that by using the lung score instead of the temperature, days on feed, or days to slaughter characteristic. Once you choose something here, you will see the list headers change to reflect that the characteristic will be based on the lung score instead of what it normally will be.

Once you have set up the characteristics the way you want them, click the Update Protocol Variations button. Fusion will create the necessary number of treatment protocols to match the possible combinations of characteristics you have defined. If you are changing an existing diagnosis, Fusion will keep any combinations that already exist, but create new ones for those that don't exist and delete ones that no longer make sense. Fusion will then move you to the Protocol Variations tab.

Protocol Variations Tab

Whether you are just creating new protocols or changing some existing ones, you will use this tab. The protocol variation list at the top shows each possible treatment protocol associated with the diagnosis. The columns in white show the characteristics that matter for each variation and the columns in blue show an overview of the actual treatment protocol. The idea is to select each one in turn and show Fusion how an animal with that combination of characteristics should be treated.


You can enter some notes or instructions regarding this particular treatment protocol here. These instructions will be shown to the user during the chuteside job when this protocol is being used.

Drug Protocol

Use the drug list in the middle to add the drugs Fusion will use during the treatment period. Each drug has additional information associated with it so Fusion knows what days during the period the drug should be administered. To add a new drug, click the + button and then make the necessary changes on the right. To remove a drug, select it in the list and click the - button. You can also re-order the drugs in the list by dragging and dropping them, but this has no affect on the actual protocol—it only affects the visual order of the drugs.

  • Drug. Enter the drug you want to give here. You can leave this field blank which tells Fusion you want to explicitly create an "observe" day pattern. This is helpful if you want to build observe days into the treatment protocol after the last drug would have been given.
  • Start Day. This is the first day in the treatment period that this drug should be given. Day 1 refers to the day the animal was diagnosed.
  • Treat Count. Refers to how many times you want this drug to be administered to the animal during the treatment period.
  • Days Between. Refers to the number of days that should be between each administration of this particular drug. 0 means there are no days between administrations so the drug will be given every day until it has reached its treat count. 1 would mean that you want to skip a day between each administration. And so on.

Copying and Pasting

If you are dealing with a lot of treatment protocols, most likely many of them will be similar. You can save time by copying a protocol's information, pasting it onto another one, and making any necessary tweaks. To copy a protocol, select it in the list and click the Copy Protocol button. You can also type Control-C (Command-C on Mac) as long as the protocol variation list has the focus. To paste this information onto another protocol, select the next protocol and click the Paste Protocol button or type Control-V (Command-V on Mac).

Saving Changes

When you are finished, click the Save button to save all the changes you have made. If you don't want to save the changes, click the Cancel button.

Getting Here

You can open this window by creating or editing a diagnosis definition from the Diagnosis Definition List window.

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