Have you ever fed the wrong ration to a pen? Are you utilizing GPS to help guide accuracy and accountability?
Feeding the wrong ration to a pen is inefficient at best and a serious disaster at worst, potentially causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Unfortunately, such a mistake is all to easy to make for an inexperienced driver. Or even an experienced one who is fatigued or distracted.
Feed trucks are expensive. Backing them up because feed wasn't evenly dropped on the first pass is time consuming and adds wear and tear on them.
When you add GPS technology to Fusion, Feed Guard warns drivers so they won't accidentally feed the wrong pen. And Delivery Guide helps the driver discharge feed at the optimum rate to ensure an even distribution of feed along the pen without needing to back the truck up.
Gain peace of mind, even with inexperienced or fatigued employees, knowing Fusion will help them avoid such a costly mistake as feeding the wrong pen.