Take the human bias out of making bunk calls and experience a smooth increase in intake levels and weight gain.
Feeding your cattle the correct amount to maximize growth can be tricky and requires an experienced person to make bunk calls. Feed them too much and they tank. Don't feed them enough and you'll miss out on weight gain opportunity. The bunk call "dial" is so finicky that even small adjustments can lead to erratic behavior. Worse, adjustments must be made every day to keep up with the cattle's ever changing needs. Mistakes here easily cost you in profitably.
In Fusion, feeding protocols are created for various cattle types and situations. They are then used to guide the person making bunk calls to the most optimum ration and value each day.
The person making bunk calls can be less-experienced, making it easier for you to find staff. Human bias and error are removed from deciding the precise quantity to be fed each pen, ensuring your cattle put on weight an their optimum rate. All this leads to greater profitability for your operation.
When feeding protocols were first added to Fusion, we did a lot of testing to see how effective they would be. Part of it involved asking a very experience feed man (25 years) to keep track of how often he felt to override the bunk call value Fusion suggested which happened occasionally. At one point we asked him to accept Fusion's suggested values, even if he didn't agree with them. Surprisingly, the cattle did even better. We learned it wasn't a question of how experienced he was; it was just that computers don't have human biases that sometimes lead to subtle errors.