Working with dry matter based rations is simpler for employees and will result in more consistent cattle growth, leading to greater profitability.
Many feedlots still formulate rations on an as fed basis. The problem is these rations need to be re-formulated every time the dry matter percentage of an ingredient changes—sometimes multiple times per week! Not only is this tedious, but it is also error prone. When mistakes are made the daily energy intake of cattle deviates from intended levels and it may take several days to spot the discrepancy.
Worse, there's a tendency to forget or put off updating the rations as often as they should be. In both cases, the optimal weight gain of the cattle is compromised, leading to a reduction in profit.
In Fusion, ration formulations are entered on a dry matter basis. (As fed is an option, but not recommended.) When the dry matter percent of an ingredient changes, you'll simply record that change in Fusion. Fusion will immediately, automatically, and accurately begin adjusting the target quantity of the ingredients in the ration to reflect the current dry matter of each ingredient. Employees mixing loads of feed don't even need to be aware of the change because Fusion internally handles all the math for them.
You'll save time because you don't need to adjust your rations every few days. You can stop worrying about mistakes creeping into formulations. Perhaps more importantly, you'll rest easy knowing your rations are performing according to expectations, ensuring your cattle grow at an optimal level.