Bunk calls based on dry matter lead to more consistent cattle growth, greater profitability, while being easier for employees to reason about.
Many feedlots still use as fed based bunk calls. The problem comes when the cattle move to a new ration or the current ration formulation changes. Because the bunk call value is so tightly connected to the ration formulation, the bunk call must also be adjusted simply to maintain current growth characteristics.
Doing this correctly is mathematically involved. Mistakes are easily made, leading to compromised weight gain and a reduction in profit. Not only that, but employees must be more experienced to make the calls effectively.
In Fusion, bunk calls are made on a dry matter basis, effectively keeping the bunk call value independent of the ration formulation. Internally Fusion does the necessary math to ensure your cattle receive the feed energy you desire, regardless of the currently assigned ration.
Have you ever gone a different direction than your map routing software told you to go? Instead of complaining it probably just told you it was re-routing you. Fusion does the same kind of thing by constantly re-calculating each pen's as fed target. If you feed a load where, for example, too much supplement was added, Fusion will adjust the as fed target for the pen's next pass to compensate on the fly.
Less-experienced employees can be effective at making bunk calls. You save time and lessen mistakes when you don't have to adjust bunk call values whenever a ration changes. Most important, your cattle are more likely to grow at their optimum rate, increasing your profit. As a bonus, is it easier to compare bunk calls across pens because they all use the same denominator.